Sam, a seemingly poised and glamorous real estate agent in a small mountain community, is revealed to be an unhinged and troubled alcoholic with a dark secret, when a charismatic man named Peter shows up in town one day. As she tries to keep her life from unravelling, an older co-worker named Brenda is targeted by Peter for information at the behest of his powerful and shadowy boss, Mr. Lock.
Dancing Neighbor
When a young couple seeking a fresh start moves into a suburban neighborhood, their marriage is put to the test when their new neighbors begin to play games with them.
Clinic Nurse
Una pareja que no puede tener hijos se une a un programa de fertilización in vitro. Mientras que ella está embarazada, ella encuentra ocurrencias extrañas sucediendo dentro de su cuerpo. El horror que rodea al niño sale a la luz cuando los padres descubren que su hijo ha sido parte de un experimento loco.