Eric, a young Tseltal rapper from the indigenous community of Petalcingo, Chiapas, lives on the poverty line. Adventurous and driven by his desire to "make it" in music, he moves to Playa del Carmen, where he'll encounter yet another obstacle: discrimination for being Chapita.
Eric, a young Tseltal rapper from the indigenous community of Petalcingo, Chiapas, lives on the poverty line. Adventurous and driven by his desire to "make it" in music, he moves to Playa del Carmen, where he'll encounter yet another obstacle: discrimination for being Chapita.
¿Dónde estabas? nos desafía a reflexionar sobre esta realidad transversal y universal que es la violencia contra las mujeres. Violencia cotidiana, sutil o brutal, terrible e intolerable. Experiencias contadas en diferentes idiomas y de diferentes países.
Executive Producer
An unbound adventure from sky to sea.