Varag Kamali


Pool Boy Nightmare
Unit Production Manager
La historia sigue a Gale mientras tiene un breve romance con el limpiador de piscinas Adam, pero rápidamente rechaza sus continuos avances. Insultado por ser rechazado, Adam comienza a salir con la hija de Gale en edad de secundaria, Becca, usándola como un peón desprevenido en un retorcido juego de venganza.
Battle Star Wars
Unit Production Manager
Cuando el líder de la coalición del mal amenaza con destruir un planeta rebelde para extraer de él sus recursos, a su hija no le queda otro remedio que unirse al lado de los rebeldes para luchar por la justicia.
Production Assistant
A few years after her mother's passing, 17-year old Tennie's reputation at school takes a major hit before the prom. To further complicate the daily rigors of teenage life, her father, Robert, an advertising executive who has since rebuilt his business, tries to do the same with his relationship with his daughter. Against his therapist's advice, overeager Robert tries really hard to get close to Tennie by showing his own way of caring. He tries to find out about his daughter's personal life with the help of his newly appointed, 19 year-old driver/intern, Jack. Practically being raised by her extended family, Tennie although very academically inclined and mature for her age, with compassion for others, she's got a touch of sarcasm, and a hint of rebelliousness. After she catches on to her father's plan, Tennie realizes that in order to get her father off of her back, she needs to convince him to find a lady friend.