Ayse Terzioglu


¿Has visto luciérnagas alguna vez?
Visual Effects Coordinator
Rebelde e irreverente, la niña prodigio Gülseren se abre paso entre la soledad, el amor y la muerte a contracorriente del caos político y el cambio social.
The Adventures of Sukran the Lame
Visual Effects Coordinator
A none dialogue film about a young woman called Sukran, who has an accident when she is 10 years old and stays crippled for the rest of her life. Throughout the film, she seeks to create a common ground with other people. Despite her hunger to do so, she fails with people of the opposite sex, and so turns to her own gender. Again, she meets with failure; and again, she is knocked sideways. Just like all of us, Şükran keeps looking helplessly for ways to communicate with other people until the bitter end. Her helplessness may not be the exact same to our own helplessness as spectators, but they are indeed in very close proximity.
Vlad el Empalador
Visual Effects Coordinator
Épica historia basada en hechos reales. Durante el reinado del tirano Vlad "El Empalador", 7 guerreros tienen como misión a acabar con su tiranía de sangre y terror. Para ello, emprenderán una peligrosa travesía llena de trampas y enemigos que les llevará a una gran batalla final con Vlad y su ejército. El destino de un pueblo está en juego, y darán la vida para liberarlo.