Assistant Editor
Unable to meet all the demands of his job and family anymore, Mathieu feels he's in a mid-life crisis and hurriedly leaves for the forest. His relatives are left by themselves, faced with his sudden departure and their choices.
Assistant Editor
Cuando Nora ve a Abel siendo intimidado por otros niños, se apresura a protegerlo advirtiendo a su padre. Pero Abel la obliga a permanecer en silencio. Atrapada en un conflicto de lealtad, Nora finalmente intentará encontrar su lugar, dividida entre el mundo de los niños y el de los adultos.
Assistant Editor
"Bakolo Music International" has just celebrated the group's 70th anniversary. This year they are setting off on a new international tour. Whatever awaits them on their travels, the musicians from Bakolo will continue to play the rumba until their last movement is a guitar chord, their last breath a saxophone solo and their last step a dance step.
Assistant Editor
Durante las gradas de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, Jo, un joven pastor junto con la ayuda de la viuda Horcada, ayuda a pasar de contrabando niños judíos a través de la frontera desde el sur de Francia hacia España.