Ivo Perilli

Nacimiento : 1902-04-10, Rome, Italy

Muerte : 1994-11-24


¡Dios mío, como he caído tan bajo!
Eugenia, una hermosa joven de la nobleza siciliana, acaba de casarse con un hombre rico también siciliano. Pero, durante la noche de bodas, cuando están a punto de consumar el matrimonio, reciben un telegrama en el que se dice que son hermanos.
A miniseries about Caravaggio's life.
A miniseries about Caravaggio's life.
La Biblia... En Su Principio
Writers' Assistant
Cuenta los primeros 22 capítulos del Génesis: la creación del mundo, la expulsión del hombre del Paraíso Terrenal, la expansión del Pueblo de Dios por la faz de la Tierra, el Diluvio Universal o la destrucción de Sodoma y Gomorra.
Il paradiso dell'uomo
The story of the Japanese woman who with a sense of pagan fatalism has been able to sacrifice herself to mechanize her spirit in a sort of absurd voluntary human planning: of the woman who knows how to pose the folds of her kimono in the precious depictions of traditional dances and who knows turn on the eyes of the spectators with morbid attention in the studied movements of a strip-tease: of the woman who burns all her perceptive powers in the factories of the microscopic transistors in two years, of the "loves" who, with a centuries-old technique, dive for fishing corals and pearls; of the Japanese woman, essential actress of a drama of transformation taking place in a country of very ancient civilization that only for a century has opened the doors of her fantastic world in the eyes of the foreigner.
Poncio Pilatos
Cuando Poncio Pilato es nombrado gobernador de Judea, los zelotes (nacionalistas judíos), dirigidos por Barrabás, protagonizan una revuelta política que devasta la región. Al mismo tiempo, una gran multitud acude a oír las palabras de Jesús. Barrabás acaba siendo capturado por los romanos. Poco despues, Jesús llega a Jerusalén, es apresado y llevado a juicio.
Barrabás es indultado por petición del pueblo de Jerusalén. Jesucristo es crucificado, produciéndose fenómenos naturales extraños de los que Barrabás es testigo, como la crucifixión, resurrección o negación de San Pedro.
Seduction Of The South
Based on the events from the Italian civil war. In 1860's, a member of a guerrilla force captures a colonel from the opposing army and later leads one of the sides to victory.
Cinco mujeres marcadas
Cinco mujeres de un pueblecito yugoslavo son acusadas de haber mantenido relaciones con un sargento alemán durante la ocupación nazi. Los partisanos las someten a una humillación pública. A pesar de que después se unen a ellos en su lucha contra las tropas alemanas, siguen siendo despreciadas. ¿Fueron realmente las amantes del sargento nazi? ¿Por qué traicionaron a su patria? ¿Podrán alguna vez librarse de semejante estigma?
En la época de esplendor de la Rusia zarista, las revueltas populares se suceden en contra de la tiranía que ejercen los dirigentes de un país sumido, en buena parte, en la pobreza en las zonas más humildes. Para los desertores del ejército, insurgentes y rebeldes la cárcel les aguarda, como en el caso de Petr Griniev. Durante el viaje que le debe conducir a uno de los temibles gulags, Griniev entabla amistad con el capitán Miranov, que comanda un movimiento de rebeldía pero que no cuenta con el suficiente apoyo logístico para librar con garantías una batalla contra el ejército zarista.
Men and Wolves
Two young hunters of wolves are involved in a conflict. Besides the dangerous wild wolves, beautiful Teresa is the center of attention.
Guerra y paz
Adaptación de la novela homónima de Leon Tolstoi. En el año 1805 Napoleón amenaza con invadir Rusia. Pierre Bezukhov es un intelectual pacifista y ocioso, hijo natural de un noble. Cuando estalla la guerra, se mantiene al margen de la contienda y frecuenta la casa de sus amigos los Rostov, una acogedora familia aristocrática, en la que brilla por su encanto y generosidad Natasha.
Sunset in Naples
Two young men try to make it big as musicians.
Il vetturale del Moncenisio
During the first Napoleonic expedition into Italy, Thibaud is seriously injured before being caught up in a mystery involving his wife, her rightful inheritance and his own daughter's happiness.
Knights of the Queen
En esta ocasión, los Tres Mosqueteros han de salvar a la infanta de España de las intrigas del príncipe de Condé, que quiere hacerse con el trono a toda costa.
Adaptación de "La Odisea" de Homero. Terminada la guerra de Troya con la victoria de los griegos, Ulises (Kirk Douglas) navegará durante diez largos años, teniendo que superar terribles dificultades, antes de llegar a su palacio de Ítaca.
A young and poor Venetian woman is invited to a masquerade ball by a charming count.
Frine cortigiana d'Oriente
La historia de Frine, hermosa tebana vendida como esclava en Atenas, y su lucha por volver a su patria y reconstruir las murallas derruidas.
La lupa
A woman in her thirties is a single mother of a teenager daughter, and both are in love with the same young soldier. Mother sacrifices herself for Maricchia's marriage, but ultimately falls to her own passion, leading to family disruption.
Jolanda, the Daughter of the Black Corsair
Collected at the age of two, under extreme conditions, by a company of Gypsies, Jolly grew up among them, together with the man who accompanied her.
Escándalo en Roma - Las infieles
Un empresario contrata a una agencia de detectives para espiar a su mujer con la esperanza de que la descubran en una traición para poder divorciarse sin pasarla pensión alguna, y poder así casarse con una joven de la que está enamorado. Esta situación desencadenará un dramático chantaje.
Escándalo en Roma - Las infieles
Un empresario contrata a una agencia de detectives para espiar a su mujer con la esperanza de que la descubran en una traición para poder divorciarse sin pasarla pensión alguna, y poder así casarse con una joven de la que está enamorado. Esta situación desencadenará un dramático chantaje.
La cieca di Sorrento
La marquesa de Rionero es asesinada por Carlo Basileo, sobrino del notario, después de robar unas joyas. La pequeña Beatrice, hija de la marquesa, durante la tragedia cae y se queda ciega. Años después, la muchacha acepta la corte de Carlo, que ambiciona su herencia, y se casa. Un joven oftalmólogo, cuyo padre fue acusado injustamente de matar a la marquesa, devuelve la vista a Beatrice que reconoce a Carlo como el verdadero asesino. Está a punto de matarla, pero el oftalmólogo la salva.
Europe '51
Un rico matrimonio estadounidense que lleva en Roma una vida despreocupada, ve cómo su hijo se suicida. La madre, traumatizada y sintiéndose culpable por no haber atendido más a su hijo desde la infancia, decide ayudar a la gente más necesitada en los barrios más humildes de la ciudad. Sin embargo, su ayuda a un delincuente la pondrá bajo sospecha a ojos de la policía.
Three Forbidden Stories
Tres episodios que narran la historia de tres muchachas, refugiadas en el hueco de la escalera de un palacio deshabitado, que esperan una oferta de trabajo.
Three Forbidden Stories
Tres episodios que narran la historia de tres muchachas, refugiadas en el hueco de la escalera de un palacio deshabitado, que esperan una oferta de trabajo.
La trata de blancas
Génova, principios de los años 50, Alda, embarazada, participa en un maratón de baile para pagar con el premio el abogado a su novio Carlo encarcelado por culpa de Manfredi, que quiere aprovechar de Alda y las otras chicas para venderlas. Manfredi, de hecho, practica la "trata de blancas" y, para sacar a Carlo del camino, hizo que lo arrestaran. Carlo, sin embargo, logra escapar, está a tiempo de ver morir a Alda por última vez, por lo que captura a Manfredi, pero en lugar de entregarlo a la policía, con algunos amigos improvisa una especie de tribunal popular que juzga al malhechor.
La trata de blancas
Génova, principios de los años 50, Alda, embarazada, participa en un maratón de baile para pagar con el premio el abogado a su novio Carlo encarcelado por culpa de Manfredi, que quiere aprovechar de Alda y las otras chicas para venderlas. Manfredi, de hecho, practica la "trata de blancas" y, para sacar a Carlo del camino, hizo que lo arrestaran. Carlo, sin embargo, logra escapar, está a tiempo de ver morir a Alda por última vez, por lo que captura a Manfredi, pero en lugar de entregarlo a la policía, con algunos amigos improvisa una especie de tribunal popular que juzga al malhechor.
Ana es una novicia a punto de profesar. La llegada al hospital donde trabaja de un antiguo novio, herido en un accidente, suscitará en ella un serio conflicto personal.
Ana es una novicia a punto de profesar. La llegada al hospital donde trabaja de un antiguo novio, herido en un accidente, suscitará en ella un serio conflicto personal.
Outlaw Girl
Beppe Musolino is falsely accused of murder. He is tried and once found guilty is imprisoned. Unexpectedly he escape from prison and to survive he start living like an outlaw brigand. He falls in love for Mara, a village girl, and with her help he hunts down all of the witnesses who lied about him at the trial.
Duello senza onore
Bianca, a rich heiress, being an orphan, lives in her palace with her guardian uncle and cousin Olga.
Duello senza onore
Bianca, a rich heiress, being an orphan, lives in her palace with her guardian uncle and cousin Olga.
El lobo de la Sila
Pietro y Orsola se aman y debido a que Rocco, hermano de Orsola, se opone a este amor, han de verse a escondidas en una cabaña. Una tarde matan a un hombre; Pietro, de regreso de la cabaña, es arrestado acusado del asesinato. Él proclama su inocencia, pero para no poner en peligro a Orsola, se niega a confesar donde ha pasado la tarde. La madre de Pietro habla con Orsola para que interceda por su hijo; pero Rocco lo rechaza brutalmente.
Arroz amargo
Perseguida por la policía, la cómplice de un ladrón se une a un grupo de jornaleras que se dirigen a las plantaciones de arroz del valle del Po. Una vez allí, se reúne con ella su amante que proyecta apoderarse, con la ayuda de unos amigos, de la cosecha.
Lovers Without Love
This flashback heavy melodrama is a loose adaptation of Leo Tolstoy’s novella The Kreutzer Sonata named after the Beethoven piece. The story concerns marriage, divorce, love, carnal lust and jealousy.
Lovers Without Love
This flashback heavy melodrama is a loose adaptation of Leo Tolstoy’s novella The Kreutzer Sonata named after the Beethoven piece. The story concerns marriage, divorce, love, carnal lust and jealousy.
The Captain's Daughter
First Assistant Director
A peasant leader under the enlightened despotism of Empress Catherine the Great, and a love story.
The Captain's Daughter
A peasant leader under the enlightened despotism of Empress Catherine the Great, and a love story.
The Captain's Daughter
A peasant leader under the enlightened despotism of Empress Catherine the Great, and a love story.
A man comes home from the war and finds both his plant and his family destroyed.
Two Anonymous Letters
First Assistant Director
When her sweetheart Bruno joins the Italian army, Gina, bored by her lack of social life, weds Tullio. She comes to regret her decision when Tullio proves to be a Nazi collaborationist. Casting her lot with the Resistance movement, Gina is forced into a difficult decision when the safety of ex-lover Bruno is endangered by the treachery of Tullio.
Two Anonymous Letters
When her sweetheart Bruno joins the Italian army, Gina, bored by her lack of social life, weds Tullio. She comes to regret her decision when Tullio proves to be a Nazi collaborationist. Casting her lot with the Resistance movement, Gina is forced into a difficult decision when the safety of ex-lover Bruno is endangered by the treachery of Tullio.
Two Anonymous Letters
When her sweetheart Bruno joins the Italian army, Gina, bored by her lack of social life, weds Tullio. She comes to regret her decision when Tullio proves to be a Nazi collaborationist. Casting her lot with the Resistance movement, Gina is forced into a difficult decision when the safety of ex-lover Bruno is endangered by the treachery of Tullio.
La freccia nel fianco
Started in the summer of 1943 by Lattuada and , the because of the war that raged in Italy at the time, the shooting was interrupted several times only to stop for good in September of the same year. It only resumed after the war, in the spring of 1945, but with Mario Costa as the director instead of Lattuada. It was eventually released in September 1945 with only Lattuada billed as the director. Similarly, the film was started with Vittorio Gassman in the role of Brunello, but when the shooting resumed in 1945 he was replaced by Leonardo Cortese
The Betrothed
First Assistant Director
Renzo and Lucia's love story is jeopardized by Don Rodrigo, a wicked nobleman, who is interested in Lucia. When she refuses his attentions he has her kidnapped and brought to a convent whose prioress is a nun as wicked as he is. The two youths will have to go through a lot of misfortunes before being reunited and being able to marry.
The Betrothed
Renzo and Lucia's love story is jeopardized by Don Rodrigo, a wicked nobleman, who is interested in Lucia. When she refuses his attentions he has her kidnapped and brought to a convent whose prioress is a nun as wicked as he is. The two youths will have to go through a lot of misfortunes before being reunited and being able to marry.
Department Store
In a massive department store the driver romances the shopgirl. The problem is that the manager also has his eye on her, and some employees seem to be pilfering goods from the place.
Department Store
In a massive department store the driver romances the shopgirl. The problem is that the manager also has his eye on her, and some employees seem to be pilfering goods from the place.
Animal Crackers
After several unsuccessful suicide attempts, Totò finds himself in an animal asylum.
I, His Father
An ex-boxer has trained his own son and leads him on to win the middle-weight championship of Italy. But the boy falls easy prey to a woman of light morals and renounces the hard work of sport to follow her to a winter luxury resort and at a certain moment, offers to marry her but she, not wanting to give up an advantageous connection, turns him down, advising the youth to not change the nature of their relationship. Then, the boy feeling the entire baseness of his situation, returns home to his parents who welcome him back with joy and takes up again a commitment to sport.
Voce senza volto
Il conte di Bréchard
La danza delle lancette
Ginevra degli Almieri
Ginevra degli Almieri's family has arranged a marriage of interest but the young Ginevra strenuously refuses until she falls into catalepsy and is buried alive. Once she wakes up she goes home but her family believes they are dealing with a ghost and they try to chase her away. She will only be welcomed by the penniless young painter who has always been in love with her.
Ginevra degli Almieri
Ginevra degli Almieri's family has arranged a marriage of interest but the young Ginevra strenuously refuses until she falls into catalepsy and is buried alive. Once she wakes up she goes home but her family believes they are dealing with a ghost and they try to chase her away. She will only be welcomed by the penniless young painter who has always been in love with her.
Destiny Unknown
Based on fact, Passaporto Rosso (Red Passport) details the plight of a group of poor Italian immigrants who are hired as railroad workers in turn-of-the-century South America. In addition to facing poverty, deprivation, and prejudice, the immigrants are also bedeviled by a raging fever epidemic. Finally achieving a measure of prosperity, the Italians are forced to confront tragedy once more when their grown children march off to WWI. Though Isa Miranda is top-billed, she has very little to do in comparison with male lead Filippo Scelso. Passaporto Rosso was released in the U.S. as Destiny Unknown.
Come le foglie
Assistant Director
Come le foglie
The film follows Giovanni, a working-class orphan living in Rome, who realizes that his criminal lifestyle is wrong and becomes a devout fascist.
The film follows Giovanni, a working-class orphan living in Rome, who realizes that his criminal lifestyle is wrong and becomes a devout fascist.
What Scoundrels Men Are!
Assistant Director
Bruno, a chauffeur having some problem in keeping a job, meets one morning Mariuccia, a taxi driver’s daughter working as a perfumery’s shop assistant, and trying to impress her, pretending to be rich, uses his employer’s car to took her on a trip to the lakes, but things don’t work as planned and to conquer Mariuccia’s hearth won’t be so easy…
La Wally
Costume Design
La Wally
Production Design
L'elisir d'amore