Biasutti and Perbellini have the same name, Fausto, and they both hate life in the big city. They meet by chance during a trip for amateur photographers, become friends and begin to cultivate together the dream of going to live in the countryside, keeping with the fruit of their efforts. When Biasutti inherits his grandmother’s old house in Valvana, in the hills of the north east, the dream can finally become reality: the welcome in the village, however, proves less warm than expected.
Salammbô is an alchemical game between my images, Othman Louati's music vibrating in Noé Nillni's trumpet and Gustave Flaubert's text carried by Julien Ribeill's voice.
1857. A courtroom. The prosecutor and defense counsel prepare to face off. Between them: Gustave Flaubert, the man on trial. Madame Bovary is charged with obscenity and offending public morals. As the two sides lay out their cases, the novel springs to life. Emma's story unfolds before our eyes. The trial is a reality check for us, rekindling the debate over the status of women at the time. What will the verdict be for Flaubert? What will the verdict be for women - for all the other Emmas?
Theatre film based on the debut novel of french writer Gustave Flaubert. Performances by Maaike Neuville and Koen De Sutter at KVS, Brussels.
Emma Rovault, hija única de un humilde granjero de Berteaux, contrae matrimonio con Charles Bovary, un doctor de una pequeña ciudad. Emma, transgresora, romántica y soñadora, pronto es consciente del enorme vacío que provoca su matrimonio en su interior, por lo que buscará consuelo en numerosas relaciones extra conyugales que deben servirle para colmar sus deseos más íntimos, así como ascender en su estatus social.
Emilia, un ama de casa frustrada por la mediocridad de su vida, por los fracasos de su marido y por una maternidad agobiante y mal llevada, siente que el vaso de su paciencia está a punto de desbordarse. Para colmo en un mismo día la abandona su desdeñoso amante y le embargan la tarjeta de crédito. En su apartamento, vacío y desolado, decide tomar por fin una decisión largamente meditada: el suicidio. Curiosamente su muerte provoca el acercamiento entre el marido cornudo y el amante esquivo. Adaptación de "Madame Bovary" de Gustave Flaubert. (FILMAFFINITY)
Short Story
Chun Tao-Chung ha trabajado de criada durante más de 60 años para la familia Leung. Ahora, el único miembro de la familia que sigue viviendo en Hong Kong es Roger, y Tao sigue trabajando para él. Sin embargo, un día Tao sufre un derrame cerebral. Una vez está en el hospital, le anuncia a Roger su intención de abandonar su trabajo e instalarse en una residencia para ancianos. Roger intenta disuadirla, pero ella tiene la idea muy clara, así que él empieza a buscar una residencia buena donde pueda vivir, y al final encuentra una habitación para Tao en un centro dirigido por un amigo suyo. Poco a poco, al cuidar de Tao, Roger se da cuenta de lo importante que Tao es para él.
Unable to forget her first love, Félicité, a simple and kind maid, devotes herself completely to her new master, Mathilde Aubain. As the passing of time doesn't heal her wounds, she gives love to all those who surround her: Mathilde's children, her nephew Victor. But fate seems to always deny her from any love in return. Still she tries to find someone who'll accept her unconditional love.
A young woman in her late teens, a reader of novels and with high hopes of romance and passion, marries a widowed country doctor. Although he dotes on her, she is soon bored and discontent. First, she gives her imagination to a law student in town, and next she takes a lover. When he refuses to run away with her, she takes up again with the law clerk. Her spending on dresses and furnishings mounts; these debts and her ill-advised professional counsel to her husband bring his ruin.
A frustrated housewife whose marriage to an average man does not meet her expectations enters into an affair with a younger man. Of course, there are no easy escapes from reality.
Adaptación de la novela homónima de Gustave Flaubert. Emma Bovary es la insatisfecha mujer de un médico rural que ansía pertenecer a la alta sociedad francesa. Sus ambiciones y un apasionado affaire con un joven aristócrata la conducirán a una situación de trágicas consecuencias. La musa de Chabrol, Isabelle Huppert, encarna a la fatal heroína.
Inspired by Flaubert’s Madame Bovary, Sokurov’s Save and Protect recalls the most crucial events of Emma’s decline and fall: affairs with the aristocratic Rodolphe and the student Leon, the humiliation that follows her husband’s botching of the operation on the stable boy’s clubfoot. The universality of the theme of eternal struggle between the soul and the flesh is conveyed through the absence of specific reference to time or place: although the film seems to begin in 1840, its surreal mode effortlessly accommodates an automobile and the strains of “When the Saints Go Marching In” on an off-screen radio. Focusing on passion from a woman’s perspective and downplaying plot, Sokurov explores his subject in exquisite detail, capturing not only the heat of passion but also the quiet moments before and after and the innocent sensuousness of the body.
Set in a rural area of France in the 19th century, this simple tale tells the story of a servant girl whose life seems marked by grand tragedy, but whose heart is simple and uncomplicated enough not only to endure, but even to attain serenity in the face of her manifold frustrations. Her only friend, to whom she pours out all her troubles, is an old parrot. When the parrot dies, she reverently has it stuffed and continues telling it her woes. This drama is based on a story by Gustave Flaubert.
Emma Bovary está aburrida de su esposo y se entrega a los afectos de varios pretendientes ricos, así como a la tentación de vivir más allá de los medios de su marido.
Frédéric, a shy small-town man, falls in love with Anne, a middle class woman married to Didier, who cheats on her with top model Barbara. Catherine, a very determined woman, is secretly in love with Frédéric and in order to keep him away from Anne, pushes him into Barbara's arms.
Basada en la novela del francés Gustave Flaubert, el filme es una crítica de los falsos valores de la burguesía rural francesa del siglo XIX. Minnelli introdujo un prólogo y un epílogo en el que el propio escritor, interpretado por James Mason, se convertía en el narrador de la historia.
París, 1857. Mientras es juzgado por ultraje moral, el escritor francés G. Flaubert cuenta al tribunal y al público la verdadera historia de la heroína de su novela «Madame Bovary», una mujer sensible pero caprichosa cuyos esfuerzos desesperados por superar las convenciones burguesas de una vida aburrida y provinciana condujeron a su familia primero a la ruina y el descrédito y finalmente al abismo de la tragedia.
Adaptación de la novela de Gustave Flaubert. Emma Rouault, una joven provinciana, se casa con Charles Bovary, un médico que acaba de enviudar, pero no tarda en sentirse insatisfecha y perder el respeto por su marido. Mientras que Bovary es feliz en su rutina de médico pueblerino, Emma tiene otras aspiraciones.
An adaptation of Madame Bovary transported to Rye, New York in the 1930's. All characters have been renamed.
Based on the historical novel by Flaubert, "Salammbo" tells the story of the Mercenary War between Carthage and the Barbarians in the third century BC.