In this Japanese drama, a dry goods merchant's daughter is surprised to discover that she has a twin sister. In rural Japan it was thought that twins bring bad luck, so the sister was abandoned at birth. Later her parents tell her that her sister was kidnapped. The woman doesn't believe this and when she eventually meets her twin, both women are involved in love affairs. The merchant's daughter is seeing an educated fellow. Trouble ensues when she begins suspecting that he may be more interested in her sister.
A un hombre de negocios sus amigos le piden constantemente consejos sobre el matrimonio, la vida conyugal y la vida familiar. Su serenidad y sus agudos análisis le permiten encontrar el consejo oportuno para cada situación. Sin embargo, cuando él mismo tiene que afrontar una delicada situación que afecta a su hija mayor, tropezará con grandes dificultades para encontrar una solución al conflicto.