Andrew R. McCallister

Andrew R. McCallister


Andrew R. McCallister


Gerald's Hands
Casting Assistant
Gerald's Hands is a movie about a man on the spectrum who is at risk of losing his norms and his love interest after an unexpected loss. It explores autism, loneliness, death, grief, morality, compassion, love, family, and friendship.
Gerald's Hands
Executive Producer
Gerald's Hands is a movie about a man on the spectrum who is at risk of losing his norms and his love interest after an unexpected loss. It explores autism, loneliness, death, grief, morality, compassion, love, family, and friendship.
Gerald's Hands
Gerald's Hands is a movie about a man on the spectrum who is at risk of losing his norms and his love interest after an unexpected loss. It explores autism, loneliness, death, grief, morality, compassion, love, family, and friendship.
Zombieland: Mata y remata
T800 (uncredited)
En esta secuela y empleando el característico sentido del humor del que hizo gala "Zombieland", el grupo de protagonistas tendrá que viajar desde la Casa Blanca hasta el corazón de los Estados Unidos, sobreviviendo a nuevas clases de muertos vivientes que han evolucionado desde lo sucedido hace algunos años, así como a algunos supervivientes humanos rezagados. Pero, por encima de todo, tendrán que tratar de soportar los inconvenientes de convivir entre ellos.