Hair Department Head
Después del asesinato de su hijo, una periodista forma una alianza con su novia embarazada para encontrar a los responsables de su muerte. Juntas, se enfrentan a un mundo de drogas y corrupción.
Makeup Department Head
The authorized documentary of Kellie Maloney, the famous transgender British boxing manager. This unique film will explore Kellie's story of truth and denial, as she confronted uncertainty and ultimately accepted herself for who she was.
Hair Department Head
The authorized documentary of Kellie Maloney, the famous transgender British boxing manager. This unique film will explore Kellie's story of truth and denial, as she confronted uncertainty and ultimately accepted herself for who she was.
Makeup Department Head
Johnny and Clyde are two serial killers who are madly in love and on an endless crime spree. Alana (Megan Fox) is the confident and cunning owner of a prosperous casino that generates tens of millions of dollars each year. Johnny and Clyde decide to assemble a ragtag group of criminals and misfits to steal from Alana's casino and pull off the heist of the century. Unfortunately for Johnny and Clyde's crew, Alana has a deadly weapon at her disposal – the monstrous slasher spirit known as Bakwas.
Special Effects Makeup Artist
En 1987, un grupo de consejeros desató accidentalmente un mal de hace décadas en la última noche del campamento de verano.
Makeup Department Head
En 1987, un grupo de consejeros desató accidentalmente un mal de hace décadas en la última noche del campamento de verano.
Hair Department Head
En 1987, un grupo de consejeros desató accidentalmente un mal de hace décadas en la última noche del campamento de verano.
Makeup Department Head
Cuando la mafia local aparece para incendiar su restaurante, Ana, una chef con un pasado meticuloso, defiende su territorio y demuestra sus habilidades con el cuchillo tanto dentro como fuera de la cocina.
Hair Department Head
Cuando la mafia local aparece para incendiar su restaurante, Ana, una chef con un pasado meticuloso, defiende su territorio y demuestra sus habilidades con el cuchillo tanto dentro como fuera de la cocina.
Makeup Department Head
Ellis French es un joven negro gay, rechazado por su madre y con pocas opciones para su futuro, decide unirse a la Marina, haciendo lo que sea necesario para tener éxito en un sistema que lo dejaría de lado. Pero incluso mientras lucha contra los prejuicios profundamente arraigados y las rutinas extenuantes del entrenamiento básico, encuentra camaradería, fuerza y apoyo inesperados en esta nueva comunidad, lo que le da un sentido de pertenencia ganado con tanto esfuerzo que moldeará su identidad y cambiará su vida para siempre.
Hair Department Head
Caleb, un antiguo asesino del gobierno escondido, que reaparece cuando su protegido, el asesino igualmente mortal conocido como Banshee, descubre que se ha puesto una recompensa por la cabeza de Caleb.
Special Effects Makeup Artist
After her younger sister, Maya (Chelsea Vale), goes missing and is presumed dead, Misha (Christina DeRosa) returns to her seaside hometown to help her family and community pick up the pieces from such a terrible loss. With distraught family and friends at every turn, Misha begins to wonder if her sister’s boyfriend, Peyton (Alec Nevin), may know more about her sister’s disappearance than he’s letting on. Soon however, Misha finds herself falling for Peyton and starts to believe Maya may have been living a double life involving an affair with the town’s mayor, Peter (Jason London). This all changes, though, when Maya is discovered alive, revealing a truth that could lead to dire consequences for both herself and her family.
Makeup Department Head
After her younger sister, Maya (Chelsea Vale), goes missing and is presumed dead, Misha (Christina DeRosa) returns to her seaside hometown to help her family and community pick up the pieces from such a terrible loss. With distraught family and friends at every turn, Misha begins to wonder if her sister’s boyfriend, Peyton (Alec Nevin), may know more about her sister’s disappearance than he’s letting on. Soon however, Misha finds herself falling for Peyton and starts to believe Maya may have been living a double life involving an affair with the town’s mayor, Peter (Jason London). This all changes, though, when Maya is discovered alive, revealing a truth that could lead to dire consequences for both herself and her family.
Hair Department Head
After her younger sister, Maya (Chelsea Vale), goes missing and is presumed dead, Misha (Christina DeRosa) returns to her seaside hometown to help her family and community pick up the pieces from such a terrible loss. With distraught family and friends at every turn, Misha begins to wonder if her sister’s boyfriend, Peyton (Alec Nevin), may know more about her sister’s disappearance than he’s letting on. Soon however, Misha finds herself falling for Peyton and starts to believe Maya may have been living a double life involving an affair with the town’s mayor, Peter (Jason London). This all changes, though, when Maya is discovered alive, revealing a truth that could lead to dire consequences for both herself and her family.
Makeup & Hair
Un grupo de jóvenes adultos pasa el fin de semana en la casa de un amigo junto al lago. Junto con el sheriff local, el grupo se encuentra con un jefe nativo americano convicto fugitivo, un asesino imitador y el regreso del aterrador asesino enmascarado, Damon.
Hair Department Head
Un grupo de jóvenes adultos pasa el fin de semana en la casa de un amigo junto al lago. Junto con el sheriff local, el grupo se encuentra con un jefe nativo americano convicto fugitivo, un asesino imitador y el regreso del aterrador asesino enmascarado, Damon.
Makeup Department Head
Un grupo de jóvenes adultos pasa el fin de semana en la casa de un amigo junto al lago. Junto con el sheriff local, el grupo se encuentra con un jefe nativo americano convicto fugitivo, un asesino imitador y el regreso del aterrador asesino enmascarado, Damon.
Hair Department Head
While working his maintenance job at an upscale hotel, Barry encounters the mysterious Mr. Jay. He introduces Barry to the International Birthday Network, an agency which helps children across the globe suffering from miserable birthdays.
Makeup Department Head
While working his maintenance job at an upscale hotel, Barry encounters the mysterious Mr. Jay. He introduces Barry to the International Birthday Network, an agency which helps children across the globe suffering from miserable birthdays.
Makeup Department Head
When a children's author hosts one last Christmas dinner with her disagreeable siblings before they sell the family house, she reunites with her childhood sweetheart who helps her find a way to keep the home she loves so dearly.
Special Effects Makeup Artist
Un grupo de estudiantes universitarios pasa una noche en una antigua y misteriosa mansión, solo para darse cuenta de que un acosador aterrador está observando cada uno de sus movimientos mientras comienza a planear recuperar un antiguo artefacto nativo americano ubicado en el interior.
Hair Department Head
A scheduling mix-up at an Airbnb brings four twenty-somethings together, each navigating the open waters of where, how, and with whom they're supposed to be.
Key Makeup Artist
A scheduling mix-up at an Airbnb brings four twenty-somethings together, each navigating the open waters of where, how, and with whom they're supposed to be.
Special Effects Key Makeup Artist
Mordida por un murciélago rabioso, una presentadora de radio nocturna aterroriza a sus compañeros de trabajo mientras se transforma lentamente en vampiro.
Makeup Department Head
El ejército de EE UU se enfrenta a una misión secreta en un centro de investigación donde los científicos han desaparecido misteriosamente y otra forma de vida acecha.
Special Effects Makeup Artist
A retired MMA world champion gets caught up in an underground fight club called the "Blood Circus" and must fight to survive and save his family.
Special Effects Makeup Artist
En una ciudad de la clase obrera en 1984, el futuro de un estudiante de escuela secundaria se divide entre seguir los consejos de su padre y aceptar un trabajo en una fábrica y su consejero que le anima a matricularse en la universidad.
Second Unit Director
A single mother becomes trapped inside her own vacation rental and must piece together clues from the various guests who have stayed there in order to figure out who assaulted her and hopefully survive.
Makeup Department Head
A single mother becomes trapped inside her own vacation rental and must piece together clues from the various guests who have stayed there in order to figure out who assaulted her and hopefully survive.
Makeup Department Head
Seven college students are forced to compete in children's games for survival. With their futures unclear, the secrets of their pasts are revealed.
Hair Department Head
Seven college students are forced to compete in children's games for survival. With their futures unclear, the secrets of their pasts are revealed.