Ruby Mathers


Años de sequía
Production Design
El agente federal Aaron Falk regresa a su ciudad natal afectada por la sequía para asistir al trágico funeral de un amigo de la infancia. Pero su regreso abre una herida de décadas: la muerte sin resolver de una adolescente.
Desaparecida (Angel of Mine)
Production Design
Una mujer que sufre por la pérdida de su hija empieza a perder la cordura al imaginar que la pequeña podría estar aún viva.
Nursery Rhymes
Production Design
On the side of a rural highway, a bizarre encounter with a metalhead takes a profound turn.
The Widow
Production Design
As the sole carer for her mentally-ill husband, Elaine finds herself in an uncomfortable position: suspended between love and duty, between the need to stay and the desire to flee, she is neither fully a wife nor a nurse. As she moves through the shuttered halls of their home, past a life packed into boxes, she is forced to acknowledge, at last, that things may never improve. The Widow is an exploration of guilt, of obligation, and of the toll of caring for another.