Key Grip
Película que nos sitúa en un peculiar Hotel, en un futuro post apocalíptico. En dicho establecimiento se ofrecen cenas con espectáculo, mientras afuera el planeta entero pasa hambre. Una familia pobre, consigue unas entradas para pasar una noche allí, pero su sueño se convertirá en pesadilla cuando descubren que son parte del siniestro juego que los anfitriones proponen.
Dolly Grip
Jojo Rabbit es un niño viviendo en plena 2ª Guerra Mundial. Su única vía de escape es su amigo imaginario, una versión de Hitler étnicamente incorrecta que incita los ciegos ideales patrióticos del niño. Todo esto cambia cuando descubre que su madre Rosie está escondiendo a una joven judía en su ático.
Video Assist Operator
What is the meaning of life? What is love, humor, fear and death? Is it all just a dream? Who are we? Will we wake up, will we remember? Do beings from other dimensions help us? Can we finally understand the purpose of the Game? Who is the Creator? Where is the Kingdom of God? The new feature movie called The Meaning and Mystery of Life is looking for answers to these questions and many others as well. Question for Petr Vachler, the author of the story and screenplay, and the movie director: Why did you decide to make such an author-pronounced movie? “As a small kid I used to hide behind the house and cry because there was an end to everything, and there would be NOTHING afterwards. But what was that big NOTHING? This question accompanied me all my life, probably just like it has to the majority of us all.