Radouan Leflahi


Poppy Field
Poppy Field sigue la lucha de un joven gendarme rumano, Cristi, que intenta encontrar el equilibrio entre dos partes aparentemente opuestas de su identidad: la de un hombre que trabaja en un entorno jerárquico machista y la de un gay en el armario que intenta mantener su vida personal en secreto. Mientras su novio francés a distancia, Hadi, lo visita, Cristi es llamado para una intervención en un cine, donde un grupo ultranacionalista y homofóbico ha interrumpido la proyección de una película queer. Después de que uno de los manifestantes amenaza con sacarlo del armario, Cristi pierde el control.
10pm on a summer's evening. The sun goes down over the Place de la République in Paris. Lucie and Rio embark on an "urbex", descending into the city's abandoned underground networks. The two teens share their adventure live on social media. On a subway platform, two young lawyers are on their way to join some friends. They film themselves as they wait for the train. Nora and Djibril have just made love. While he heads off to work, she meets a friend for the evening. None of them yet know it, but moments later, a terrorist attack will change their lives, linking their destinies forever. In a few moments, they are about to enter the darkness. The fiction unfolds through three simultaneous video feeds, filmed on cellphones and available to all via social media.