Speakeasy Prostitute
Miembros de la tribu Osage de los Estados Unidos, son asesinados bajo misteriosas circunstancias en la década de 1920 provocando una importante investigación por el FBI involucrando a J. Edgar Hoover.
Kelsea Zito
A scientist races the clock in an attempt to save Earth from a series of deadly meteor attacks. Possible prequel to Meteoro: A Fuga, another film by B22 Films. It's stated that this movie, Meteor, is a prequel on the production companies facebook.
Roberta Gillis
Six college friends in their late thirties reunite to support one of them going through a divorce. All of them are at crossroads in their lives and looking for a fresh start. An Incubus demon enlists the aid of two ghosts to help terrorize them as he seeks to impregnate the women and take their babies back to hell.
Elaine Gordon
A algunos amigos les ocurren sucesos extraños antes de una fiesta de cumpleaños en un gran almacén. Dos de ellos encuentran una vieja tabla de espíritus y deciden ponerse en contacto con los antiguos inquilinos de la víctima muerta.
Darlene Unger
Steve Unger busca desesperadamente la cura para salvar a su esposa que padece una enfermedad terminal, además debe cuidar a su pequeña hija de 10 años Lily, lo que complica más aún su situación. Por eso, decide dejar de lado su ética y moral, experimentando con la modificación del ADN, la última esperanza para salvar a su esposa, o quizás para conocer el horror que nunca imaginó.
Girl with the big eyes
Basada en el relato corto de la colección Nailbiters, escrito y adaptado por el galardonado y autor de bestsellers Paul Kane, esta película cuenta la historia de Andy Brooks, un hombre que se despierta en una celda y, en consecuencia, es interrogado para obtener información.
A group of troublemakers go back to school to avoid jail.
Mallory lives a pretty normal life. However, she is keeping one family secret. When receiving a familiar phone call during a party, her toxic home life is finally revealed.
Samantha Niedenthal
Follows Sinclair Niedenthal, a shady, strung out lawyer whose world is falling apart. Procuring a sleazy Cabin rental in secret there are only two things he wants; a stress free night with no hassles or irritations and a big bag of dope. Unfortunately he will only be getting the latter as things soon take a turn for the weird. After a physical altercation with Darby; a pizza delivery man, Sinclair feels he has no choice but to take him captive. However when his captive awakes Sinclair soon discovers that his situation is even more complex than he thought and the rest of the night escalates into a drug-fueled battle of wills for survival.