Mario Rossetti


Production Design
This ensemble drama details the friendships that grow between survivors of the 1997 Umbria earthquake. The townsfolk—adults, children and foreigners alike—deal with various issues as they try to resume normal lives in a homeless situation.
Shooting the Moon
Production Design
14-year-old Siddharta, wise beyond his age, has to deal every day with his heroin-addict mother Silvia and an absent father. One day, his four-year-old sister Domitilla accidentally pricks her finger on one of Silvia's used needles without her noticing. Seeking advice on the Internet, Siddharta is told to have her tested for hepatitis and AIDS. Thus he embarks on a odyssey of medical bureaucracy and both kind and uncaring adults.
Le acrobate
Production Design
A chemical analyst and a supermarket clerk strike up a friendship after they are brought together by the death of an elderly woman.
The Killer Wore Yellow Shoes
Production Design
To inherit a fortune, all Robert has to do is reopen a delapidated theatre and stage "Hamlet". Unknown to everyone else, Robert witnessed a murder in that theatre as a child... and the murderer is one of the cast.
Con los ojos cerrados
Set Decoration
Pietro es un adolescente que se enamora perdidamente de Ghisola, una niña encantadora, pero que no es quien dice ser. Los dos viven una larga y enrevesada historia de amor con encuentros y desencuentros marcados por el desengaño.
Set Decoration
Tras la caída del comunismo, los albaneses sueñan con un futuro mejor y confían en la generosidad de la vecina Italia, pero la realidad dista mucho de sus sueños. Algunos de ellos son contratados por Gino (Enrico Lo Verso) y Fiore (Michele Placido), dos empresarios italianos que acaban de comprar una antigua fábrica de zapatos con la única intención de hacer dinero rápido a costa de los inmigrantes. Sin embargo, una serie de circunstancias hacen que uno de ellos conozca en carne propia el drama de la inmigración. (FILMAFFINITY)
La gran calabaza
Set Decoration
Después de muchos años de tratamiento por epilepsia, Valentina ingresa en una clínica psiquiátrica. Allí conoce a Arturo, un joven psiquiatra, que a pesar de su conflictiva vida personal y de la enorme ineficacia de la Sanidad Pública italiana, entabla una intensa relación con ella. Centrando la terapia más en su vida familiar que en las drogas, acaba descubriendo la verdadera naturaleza de la enfermedad de Valentina.
Towards Evening
Set Decoration
Italy, 1977. Professor Bruschi is a retired widower who lives according to a strict routine he set for himself. An ardent old-style communist, he has always been at odds with the unconventional lifestyle led by his son and his hippieish girlfriend Stella. When their four-year-old daughter is left in his care out of the blue after the two break up, the old professor becomes a sort of father figure to the girl, growing fond of her. However he's once again challenged when Stella also arrives for a stay in his elegant villa, reclaiming custody of her daughter.
Los gigantes de la Tessaglia
Esta aventura épica cuenta la historia de cómo el rey Jasón junto con los Argonautas van en busca del Vellocino de oro. Mientras tanto, en su reino, el regente está conspirando para hacerse con el poder y también con la reina. (FILMAFFINITY)