This documentary is about the Italian small family circus, based on the old street theatre of the Commedia dell'Arte. Since World War II, they have diminished in number and today hardly exist anymore. They simply can't compete with modern times entertainment, symbolized by television. The film portrays and follows the Colombaioni family, six brothers and two sisters, their children and grand children. Most of them work in their own small circus(father, mother, children). Two of the brothers, Carlo and Alberto left the circus and now have a theatre show, based on their improvisation skills that they learned in the circus. The family is known by their collaboration with Frederico Fellini and Dario Fo. They appeared in many a Fellini movie -o.a. La Strada, Le Notti di Cabiria and I Clown.
Best Boy Electric
Producida por la revista para adultos "Penthouse", un drama de muy alto contenido erótico que narra el ascenso y caída del emperador romano Calígula (12 D.C-41 D.C), sobrino e hijo adoptivo del emperador Tiberio. Sus crueles métodos para ascender al trono y su afición por todo tipo de orgías, humillaciones y demás vejaciones centran una polémica película con conocidos -y reputados- actores entre su reparto.