Leleti Khumalo

Leleti Khumalo


Leleti Khumalo


Free State
Jeanette is a beautiful open minded law student. She decided to study while her boyfriend is completing his national military service. They are set to be engaged when he returns. During her summer holiday with her father in the Free State a random act of kindness by an attractive Indian man sparks an unexpected love affair. Despite being warned not to act on these feelings she decides to pursue this relationship. Secret meetings followed, since it was against the law at the time to have an interracial relationship. When their secret comes out, it leads to a very tragic turn of events.
Ya Yuvenyonge
Una chica analfabeta desafía las costumbres de su tribu, discriminatorias contra la mujer, convertiéndose en la chispa de una revolución literaria.
Película basada en el libro de John Carlin "El factor humano" (Playing the enemy: Nelson Mandela and the Game That Changed the World) y ambientada después de que Nelson Mandela saliera de la cárcel y se convirtiera en presidente de Sudáfrica. Poco después, en 1995, el país celebró el campeonato del mundo de rugby, tras años de ser excluidos de las competiciones debido al apartheid. Evento que Mandela (Morgan Freeman) impulsó y utilizó, con la ayuda de la estrella de rugby Francois Pienaar, como vía para acabar con el odio y la desconfianza existente durante décadas entre la población blanca y negra del país.
Faith's Corner
The storyline follows Faith and her two young sons, who live on the streets of Johannesburg as she works a busy street junction begging from passing motorists. With the little money she makes she tries to raise her children, although they often go to sleep hungry and scared. Faith not only has to face the apathy of the wealthy elite that pass her every day but also the distrust and anger of the locals. —bizcommunity.com
Después de caer enferma, Yesterday descubre que tiene Sida. Su marido se niega a aceptarlo y su hija es demasiado pequeña para hacerlo. Yesterday decide entonces que va a vivir lo suficiente como para ver a su hija llegar al colegio.
Hotel Rwanda
1994, guerra civil de Ruanda. Los odios ancestrales entre los hutu (la etnia dominante) y los tutsi provocan el asesinato del presidente del país, disturbios en las calles y, finalmente, una terrible matanza entre las dos etnias. Paul, que es hutu, trabaja como gerente de un hotel de Kigali y, cuando empiezan los disturbios, decide que el mejor refugio es precisamente el hotel. Y hacia allí organiza una huida desesperada acompañado no sólo de su familia, sino también de sus vecinos tutsi. Basada en hechos reales.
The plot centers on students involved in the Soweto Riots, in opposition to the implementation of Afrikaans as the language of instruction in schools. The stage version presents a school uprising similar to the Soweto uprising on June 16, 1976. A narrator introduces several characters among them the school girl activist Sarafina. Things get out of control when a policeman shoots several pupils in a classroom. Nevertheless, the musical ends with a cheerful farewell show of pupils leaving school, which takes most of act two. In the movie version Sarafina feels shame at her mother's (played by Miriam Makeba in the film) acceptance of her role as domestic servant in a white household in apartheid South Africa, and inspires her peers to rise up in protest, especially after her inspirational teacher, Mary Masombuka (played by Whoopi Goldberg in the film version) is imprisoned.