Jeff Gibbs


Planet of the Humans
Himself / Narrator
Forget all you have heard about how “Renewable Energy” is our salvation. It is all a myth that is very lucrative for some. Feel-good stuff like electric cars, etc. Such vehicles are actually powered by coal, natural gas… or dead salmon in the Northwest.
Planet of the Humans
Forget all you have heard about how “Renewable Energy” is our salvation. It is all a myth that is very lucrative for some. Feel-good stuff like electric cars, etc. Such vehicles are actually powered by coal, natural gas… or dead salmon in the Northwest.
Planet of the Humans
Forget all you have heard about how “Renewable Energy” is our salvation. It is all a myth that is very lucrative for some. Feel-good stuff like electric cars, etc. Such vehicles are actually powered by coal, natural gas… or dead salmon in the Northwest.
Planet of the Humans
Forget all you have heard about how “Renewable Energy” is our salvation. It is all a myth that is very lucrative for some. Feel-good stuff like electric cars, etc. Such vehicles are actually powered by coal, natural gas… or dead salmon in the Northwest.
Planet of the Humans
Forget all you have heard about how “Renewable Energy” is our salvation. It is all a myth that is very lucrative for some. Feel-good stuff like electric cars, etc. Such vehicles are actually powered by coal, natural gas… or dead salmon in the Northwest.
Planet of the Humans
Forget all you have heard about how “Renewable Energy” is our salvation. It is all a myth that is very lucrative for some. Feel-good stuff like electric cars, etc. Such vehicles are actually powered by coal, natural gas… or dead salmon in the Northwest.
Capitalismo: Una historia de amor
Original Music Composer
El siempre polémico Michael Moore denuncia el sistema capitalista de Wall Street, adoptando un punto de vista que analiza la crisis finaciera mundial y la economía estadounidense en plena transición entre la administración entrante de Barack Obama y la saliente de George W. Bush.
Bowling for Columbine
Original Music Composer
Famoso documental que aborda la cuestión de la violencia en América. ¿Por qué 11.000 personas mueren cada año en Estados Unidos víctimas de las armas de fuego? Los "bustos parlantes" vociferan desde la pantalla de TV echándole la culpa ya a Satán ya a los videojuegos. Pero, ¿en qué se diferencia Estados Unidos de otros países? ¿Por qué Estados Unidos se ha convertido en responsable y víctima de tanta violencia? "Bowling for Columbine" no es una película sobre el control de la venta de armas, es una película sobre el miedo de 280 millones de norteamericanos que se sienten más seguros sabiendo que la tenencia de armas es un derecho consagrado por la Constitución.