Koichi Imai


The Rainbow Man
Art Direction
When a young woman is named as the prime suspect in a murder, her girlfriend and her girlfriend's boyfriend set out to prove her innocence. Their investigation leads them to an isolated, creepy house in the middle of nowhere, where sinister goings-on abound.
Duelo silencioso
Art Direction
Kyoji Fujisaki (Mifune), un joven cirujano militar, contrae la sífilis mientras cura a un herido durante la guerra. Acabada la contienda, la enfermedad será motivo de discusión entre el médico y su prometida. Finalmente, él no tendrá más remedio que enfrentarse a un grave dilema: aceptar, en su estado, las responsabilidades de la vida familiar o dedicarse en cuerpo y alma a la medicina.
New Snow
Art Direction
Minowada, a young teacher at a National People's School, has his own theory of education and the daughter of his linguistics teacher becomes drawn to him. Kayo, a strong-willed doctor, is also attracted to him. A mediator tries to arrange a marriage but just at that point Minowada receives military call-up papers.