Muriel Combeau
Nacimiento : 1966-05-14, Saint-Germain-en-Laye, Yvelines, France
Irène Levebvre
La nièce de Mme Margoteau
Cuando María consigue un trabajo en el equipo de limpieza de la prestigiosa Academia de Bellas Artes de París, su vida da un vuelco. Inmediatamente se lleva bien con Hubert, el excéntrico conserje de la escuela, obsesionado con dominar los icónicos movimientos de baile de Elvis Presley. El vínculo que crece entre ellos rompe la soledad de María, que se redescubre a sí misma y a un mundo nuevo de emociones. ¿Se atreverá a dejarlo todo para disfrutar al máximo de la vida y el amor?
Roxana Aubrey decide dejar sus estudios y escapar de su vida en París para tomar un curso de buceo libre en el sur de Francia. Rápidamente se ve arrastrada a una vida que alcanza nuevas profundidades gracias al peso del descenso de un océano.
Bajo la guía de un estricto ex campeón, una adolescente entrena como prometedora estrella del esquí profesional. Pero será un reto para la joven sobrevivir a la enorme presión física y emocional que ello conlleva.
This documentary takes us behind the scenes of the Holy See and lifts the veil on the secret diplomacy of Pope Francis, the first Latin American and the first Jesuit to lead the Roman Catholic Church.
Myriam Sonnen
Myriam Sonnen
Eddie, Dov, Yvan and the others ... Our warm friends have migrated from the moribund Sentier to the flourishing suburb of Aubervilliers ... Where the old Jewish entrepreneurs left the ground to young courageous and dynamic Chinese wholesalers ... The little band is as close to each other as in previous episodes, and life goes on at the mercy of small family events and business. Dov still seems frivolous, enterprising Eddie, chilled Yvan, casual Karine, resolute Sandra, naive Chochana, irresponsible Serge and mythomaniac. As for Patrick, he is in love and the happy elected is far from easy to access. Everything would be fine until a bad wind brings its share of adversity seriously compromising the cohesion of the group. Will they succumb under the storm to the turmoil, or, once again, by mutual aid, cunning and skill, will they triumph over the crisis with panache?
Dame de pique is a French TV movie (crime/mystery) directed by Philippe Venault. It was first screened on January 21, 2011 on France 2.
Mme Saint-Alban
French film icons Gérard Depardieu and Fanny Ardant star in this romantic comedy about a Parisian couple in their fifties who share a comfortable life, a beautiful home, a posh country club and a midlife crisis. Following a dream vacation to Israel where Alain (Depardieu) explores his Jewish roots, Gisèle (Ardant) insists they change their life and move to Tel Aviv. While Gisèle, a Jewish convert, finds her new life inspiring; Alain fights to embrace Hebrew, Jewish tradition and a new circumcision. Will Alain and Gisèle learn whether Shalom represents Hello or Goodbye?
Sophie Senard
Marie (Claire Borotra) lo tiene todo para ser feliz: ha vuelto a su ciudad natal con Marc (Bruno Solo), su marido, a quien adora. Tiene un trabajo nuevo, una casa nueva, incluso tiene una nueva amiga divertida y simpática, Nadia (Virginie calar). Sólo le falta este magnífico sofá rojo que ha visto en el escaparate del anticuario Cuando le llega a casa el sofá de sus sueños, enseguida piensa que es un regalo de su amiga. A la mañana siguiente, Nadia aparece muerta en su garaje, se ha suicidado. Marie decide investigar por su cuenta. Pero no siempre es bien indagar en la vida íntima de tu mejor amiga. En el juego del gato y el ratón nunca se sabe quién es la víctima y quién el verdugo.
Félix, operator of dodgem cars in a fairground, becomes obsessed by one of his customers, a mysterious young woman named Lola. Félix soon discovers that Lola is running away from her former boyfriend, a singer who continues to taunt her. Lola asks Félix to prove his love for her by murdering a man he does not know...
Contrôleur 1
An aviation magnate takes desperate measures to regain custody of his kids after he is granted minimal visitation rights by a harsh female judge. It's true that Manu Barnes is free-spirited and for much of his twelve year marriage to Mathilde that he has been too centered on his career, but he does love his kids and believes he should see them more often than one weekend a month. The judge called him irresponsible and he decides to disprove her words by kidnapping Chloe, the judge's strong-willed adolescent daughter. He takes the girl to a remote, snow-bound mountain cabin. Unfortunately, she thinks Manu is sexually attracted to her. A disaster nearly occurs there, but Chloe manages to get back to Paris. Though he knows a private detective is trailing him, the determined Manu decides to abduct his kids and take them out of the country.
Toni LaFleur
A philandering executive tries to juggle two wives and a mistress, and finds himself suddenly being shadowed by some angry Russian holdouts from the Cold War.
A tow truck driver becomes the impresario, then the singer of a new rock band.
Romuald es un ejecutivo de una fábrica de yogures, un tiburón de las finanzas dispuesto a todo con tal de conservar su puesto. Juliette, que trabaja en la misma fábrica como limpiadora nocturna, es una mujer negra que tiene cinco hijos, cada uno de un padre distinto. Su encuentro parece, más que improbable, imposible. Sin embargo, se verán unidos por un hecho inesperado: un complot que obliga a Romuald a buscar refugio en la humilde casa de Juliette, con cuya ayuda acabará por desenmascarar a sus enemigos.
Valérie adulte
Thierry is a former battered child, who has managed to build himself up despite the violence he has suffered. But the childhood traumas are still present, generating anguish and a perpetual lack of self-confidence. The announcement of the imminent death of the guilty father of the brutalities, and with whom Thierry broke all relation, sounds the hour of the accounts. The moment has come for him to put his memory and his feelings in order.