Ralph Johnson

Ralph Johnson


Ralph Johnson


The Turn of the Screw
This film adaptation of Henry James' Victorian ghost story changes the location to present day Wellington. Set in a theatre over the course of an evening, Julia finds herself as a last-minute replacement for another actress at the dress rehearsal of a stage play version of The Turn of the Screw, set in 1890. Arriving at the theatre late that night, Julia is immediately thrown on stage and into her role, playing to an empty auditorium. As she interacts with the other characters and the story becomes increasingly terrifying, Julia begins to believe that not only is the fictitious house haunted… but also the theatre itself!
A romcom with a time-travel twist. Daniel Duncombe is not a committer. When he’s not working at a café or running to stay in shape, he’s perfectly happy to chill at home. Then he starts waking up from weird dreams to find cryptic messages scrawled on his bedroom window. Slowly it dawns on Daniel that the same mysterious force is guiding him into contact with a strange assortment of equally unattached strangers who intrude on his routine.
En un futuro próximo, un policía está investigando el caso más difícil de su carrera. Pronto se da cuenta de que su vida depende de la solución al problema.
Un loco genial
Psychiatric patient
Hace mil años, en Inglaterra, el loco monje Elmer intentó volar usando un par de alas lanzándose desde una torre. Muere en el intento y su alma queda condenada al infierno por considerarse su muerte como un suicidio. En la actualidad, en Nueva Zelanda, Elmer tendrá una última oportunidad para demostrar que los hombres pueden volar y así salvar su alma. Jack Brown, un inteligente inventor, será poseído por el espíritu del monje loco para que centre todos sus esfuerzos en conseguir volar. Para ello Jack usará su última creación, pero este invento es también codiciado por su antiguo jefe y la amante de éste… Película producida y escrita por Peter Jackson, quien además fue director de segunda unidad.
Bread & Roses
Snr Det. Thompson
Based upon the life of activist and trade unionist (and later MP) Sonja Davies. The film covers her life up to 1956, when, at age 33, she was elected to the Nelson Hospital Board. During this period she develops strong socialist beliefs, marries and divorces, at age 17 trains as a nurse, has a romance (and a child) with an American marine who is killed in WWII action. She battles tuberculosis and marries a former boyfriend when he returns from the war. She becomes part of a women's ill-fated campaign to save the Nelson railway line from closure and begins to be elected to political bodies.