A once-prosperous coal mining town is now in decline, as Chinese economic policy has pivoted away from coal. Through the director’s own family, the film depicts the source of life—mined from the darkness of 800 meters underground—that has given, as well as taken away from them.
The life of Dr Han has become a permanent quest for perfection. From the livestreamed operating theatre to art fairs via fashion shows, the famous Chinese plastic surgeon has only one aim: beauty. Through the implacable portrait of this character, the film questions beauty as a simultaneously essential yet vain element of society in the era of selfies.
En una isla no lejos del continente, el joven padre gaviota guarda ansiosamente a las gaviotas recién nacidas junto al nido y espera el regreso de la gaviota madre. La gaviota madre ha renunciado a todo lo que tiene, pero la gaviota bebé todavía tiene hambre. El padre de la gaviota había volado en busca de más alimento ... La principal dieta de las gaviotas de cola negra son los peces pelágicos del mar, los moluscos y los insectos acuáticos de los humedales costeros y estuarios. Sin embargo, con la sobrepesca de peces en alta mar y la contaminación del medio marino, las gaviotas pueden capturar cada vez menos peces pequeños en la capa superior.
Executive Producer
Started in 2018, the project – comprised of 11 segments by filmmakers from all around the world – reflects on the intertwined relationship between human society and nature that is aggravated by climate change on multiple scales, hinting at possible solutions.
This film tells a story about an unschooled 11-year-old girl Yi-Jie, she's a truly global child who learns the world through the United Nations of Wastes while working with her YI minority parents in this recycle workshop thousand miles away from their mountain village home town