Mayor Brandl
Ethan Hunt es un superespía capaz de resolver cualquier arriesgada situación con la máxima elegancia. Forma parte de un competente equipo dirigido por el agente Jim Phelps, que ha vuelto a reunir a sus hombres para participar en una dificilísima misión: evitar la venta de un disco robado que contiene información secreta de vital importancia.
A comedy about exchange of 12 apartments , which, its organizer, lawyer Radosta, rightly called Action Ball Lightning. To prepare, organize and execute the exchange of twelve apartments is a work worthy champions. Radosta, who was excellently played by Rudolf Hrušínský, solved all sudden difficulties and complications on the fly and with grace. To be sure that the on the D-day everything goes well he prepares a little rehearsal, which reveals many minor issues caused for example by wedding ordered to inappropriate term or hesitation of some participants. Last but not least a night exercise announced by drunk psychologist Knotků, creates a lot of confusion that nearly sabotaged the whole operation.