Michael Feast
Nacimiento : 1946-11-25, Brighton, England, UK
Bishop Pierre Cauchon
Writer and historian Dr Helen Castor explores the life - and death - of Joan of Arc. Joan was an extraordinary figure - a female warrior in an age that believed women couldn't fight, let alone lead an army. But Joan was driven by faith and today, more than ever, we are acutely aware of the power of faith to drive actions for good or ill. Since her death, Joan has become an icon for almost everyone: the left and the right, Catholics and Protestants, traditionalists and feminists. But where, in all of this, is the real Joan - the experiences of a teenage peasant girl who achieved the seemingly impossible? Through an astonishing manuscript, we can hear Joan's own words at her trial and, as Helen unpicks Joan's story and places her back in the world that she inhabited, the real human Joan emerges.
Disgruntled Diner
Jack es un escritor de libros infantiles que se dispone a dar el salto al mundo del cine. Para ello, planea una historia de asesinos en serie. Lleva tanto tiempo con este proyecto, que se le está quedando muy adentro. Jack no espera que, una noche, tanta obsesión reviente y se materialice en una experiencia pesadillesca, en la que deambulan fantasmas, villancicos y las mujeres de la lavandería.
Parte de la serie de gran rendimiento de PBS. El renombrado actor de Shakespeare Patrick Stewart aparece como el antihéroe homónimo en esta adaptación de la era soviética de una de las tragedias más oscuras y poderosas de Shakespeare.
Cuenta la extraña historia de un individuo americano que es asesinado un día tras otro, y vuelve a la vida para experimentar el horror de ser asesinado una y otra vez.
Captain Hobbs
The story of the sinking of the Lusitania in 1915 after she was torpedoed off the Irish coast. The story is told from the perspective of Prof. Holbourn (a passenger), the German U-boat and its captain and crew, and other passengers, crew and Admiralty staff
Penélope (Ricci) pertenece a una acaudalada familia sobre la que pesa una maldición: su nariz, igual al hocico de un cerdo, es una prueba de ello. La única esperanza de que la maldición se rompa consiste en que alguien se enamore de ella, aceptándola tal como es. Pero Penelope está harta de esperar, recluida en la mansión de sus padres. Cuando consigue salir al mundo exterior, su foto es publicada en los periódicos y se convierte en un espectáculo, lo que la lleva a reflexionar sobre lo que significa sentirse diferente y lo que significa ser amada.
A two-part conspiracy thriller starring Anna Friel. An eager young photographer and a bitter tabloid hack are sent to investigate mysterious deaths at a cottage hospital. But why is the new environment minister keeping tabs on their every move? The TV movie tackles controversial topics like genetically modified plants, the role of large pharmaceutical companies and the question of control of state and government
Paul Brennan
Londres, 2001. Un grupo de estudiantes en una fiesta se desafían mutuamente a jugar con una oüija. Lo que empieza como una broma se convierte enseguida en una experiencia inquietante: el vaso deletrea el mensaje "todos mueren". Liam es el que peor se lo toma; sale huyendo de la habitación y se refugia en el tejado. Su novia Annie consigue calmarle un poco y luego le deja para ir a buscar su inhalador. Un momento después Liam ve el cuerpo achicharrado de Annie que rompe el techo de cristal y va a estrellarse contra el suelo del salón donde estaban celebrando la fiesta. Destrozados por lo sucedido, Liam y sus amigos se retiran para descansar. A media noche los despierta Webster. Ha descubierto algo en el video que grabaron en la fiesta: una visión aterradora de Annie huyendo de algo, perseguida por una sombra de la que apenas se distingue nada...
Alonso Quijano es un hidalgo campesino que, trastornado por la lectura de las novelas de caballería, se convierte en el caballero andante Don Quijote de La Mancha. Acompañado de su escudero Sancho Panza, emprenderá las más disparatadas y fantásticas aventuras para ganarse la admiración y el amor de su dama Dulcinea del Toboso.
Spotty Man
Durante la Guerra de Secesión Americana, un policía de Nueva York que utiliza avanzados métodos de investigación es enviado al pueblo de Sleepy Hollow para descubrir qué hay de verdad en la leyenda de un jinete sin cabeza que aterroriza a los habitantes del lugar. Una vez allí adopta la identidad de un profesor de escuela y se enamora de Katrina, que mantiene relaciones con uno de los hombres más conocidos del pueblo. Realidad y ficción se darán la mano en el momento menos pensado.
A short documentary about the making of "Withnail & I" (1987).
Tony Harrison's poetic essay on the working class - in particular the British miners -, its struggles, its dreams and its icononography - at the very end of the 20th century, as interpreted through the myth of Prometheus.
DCS Ilsley
Stephen Lawrence was a black London teenager murdered by white racists in 1993. His parents fought to have the crime properly investigated, culminating in a judicial enquiry into the event itself and also the inadequacies of the ensuing investigation by the London Metropolitan Police.
En el Londres de los años setenta, Brian Slade es un joven que rompe con el movimiento hippy y se convierte en el principal exponente de lo que se dio en conocer como el glam rock.
Property developer Jamie has to evict some weird, post-modern hippies from a building. But they slowly drag him into their dark underworld of bizarre rituals and dangerous liaisons.
Chris Phillips
Shirley Peters is dead. Murdered. Her body is found twelve hours later in her own home. Just one of the many sordid domestic crimes hitting the city. Tony Macliesh, her rejected boyfriend, is the obvious prime suspect and he’s just been picked off the Aberdeen train and put straight into custody. But then another woman is sexually abused and throttled to death. And suddenly there appears to be one too many connections between these seemingly unrelated crimes. Detective Inspector Resnick is sure that the two murders are the work of one sadistic killer – two lonely hearts broken by one maniac. And it’s up to Resnick to put the record straight – and put the bastard where he belongs
Edward Hillingdon
While on vacation at a resort hotel in the West Indies, Miss Marple correctly suspects that the apparently natural death of a retired British major is actually the work of a murderer planning yet another killing.
Philip Howard
Dark and Brooding thriller. A group of mercenaries are assembled in Amsterdam by a British intelligence officer. Believing they are awaiting the details of a new mission, they decide to spend their free time in the sleazy bars and brothels. Over the course of the weekend it gradually becomes clear that all is not what it seems. Unknown to them their paths have all crossed before, and the deceit and violence of the past is about to become their own downfall.
Paul Macy
A ringing phone after midnight can be a disturbing experience but until Simon, a successful barrister, hears from Macy, his friend from university days, he doesn't know just how disturbing.
The Statue
En el verano de 1694, el señor Neville, un ambicioso y prometedor dibujante, visita la mansión del señor Herbert, en Compton Anstey (Wiltshire). La mujer del anfitrión le encarga doce dibujos de la casa con el foso y los exquisitos jardines. Sin embargo, Neville se verá envuelto en una intriga doméstica que lo convertirá en sospechoso de adulterio y algunas cosas más.
A John McVicar le han caído 23 años en una prisión inglesa por atraco a mano armada. Pero no es un tipo conformista y no está dispuesto a cumplirlos. Tras ser trasladado a otro penal, en Newcastle, pronto organizará una fuga e intentará volver a sus actividades delictivas. Sin embargo, las cosas no siempre resultan tan sencillas.
Nick Dryden
At a famous London disco venue, a competition is announced to select two dancers to star in a new film.
The Grand Inquisitor from Dostoevsky's The Brothers Karamazov produced by the Open University.
A pesar de ser hijo de unos ricos mercaderes, Francisco de Asís renuncia a todas sus posesiones y a su acomodada vida para dedicarla al servicio de Dios y de los más pobres.
Receptionist Anne’s new relationship with nascent writer Peter is opening her eyes to a new lifestyle, one far removed from her comfortable middle-class background.
Receptionist Anne’s new relationship with nascent writer Peter is opening her eyes to a new lifestyle, one far removed from her comfortable middle-class background.
Play about a student, taken from his point of view, and his reactions to the pressures and vacuums of student life.
An English schoolgirl suspects the foster brother she worships is the serial killer at large.
Sportsex Contestant
Influenced by concerns about overpopulation, the counterculture of the 1960s and the societal effects of television, the play depicts a world of the future where a small elite control the media, keeping the lower classes docile by serving them an endless diet of lowest common denominator programmes and pornography. The play concentrates on an idea the programme controllers have for a new programme which will follow the trials and tribulations of a group of people left to fend for themselves on a remote island. In this respect, the play is often cited as having anticipated the craze for reality television.