Milan Blažek


Special Effects
A twisted gay romance set in the 19th Century picturesque Bohemia telling a tabooed true story of birth of one of the nation's most influential writers, starring Julius Feldmeier. Suspense, laughter, violence, hope, heart, nudity, sex and a happy ending—mostly a happy ending.
Garbage, the City and Death
Special Effects
Romi (Gabriela Mícová), a prostitute, is anything but successful at her job: she is of far too gentle a nature for her clients. The more obstinately she is pushed to the streets by her pimp Franz (Stanislav Majer), the closer she is to a complete breakdown. One day Romi is addressed by a property speculator referring to himself as a "wealthy Jew" (Martin Finger). He does not demand any sexual services of her. He satisfies himself with Romi telling him stories, for which he lavishly rewards her. However, no one shares the sudden happiness with Romi. Her work-mates and current clients turn their backs on her, as does Franz, with whom Romi is in love. The whole story takes place in the setting of a dilapidated city, during the clean-up of which politicians openly split their profit with speculators and lobbyists, all under protection from the police.
A la sombra
Special Effects
Praga, 1950. Hakl, un miembro de la policía comunista, investiga un robo aparentemente mundano en la tienda de un orfebre. A pesar de todo, su deseo por la verdad, le conduce hasta una nueva prueba que indica que el caso es mucho más complicado de lo que parece. La Seguridad del Estado se hace cargo de la investigación y lo sustituye por un especialista alemán en crimen sionista, Zenke, cuya ominosa llegada parece ser mucho más que una simple coincidencia. Hakl continúa desafiante por su cuenta con su investigación, y envía a ambos hombres a un choque con los poderes del Estado más allá de lo que podrían haber sospechado.
Special Effects
Historia real del ascenso y caída de Zyga, un joven polaco que quiere hacerse cargo de su vida tras la caída del comunismo. Pero, en este tiempo de caos y anarquía moral, se convertirá en un gangster.