Dark Sunrise, a suspense horror thriller, has deep roots in the underworld. Three teenage girls arrive at a summer resort with their families, to discover a menacing creature has invaded their innocent world, with unwelcome results.
Dark Sunrise, a suspense horror thriller, has deep roots in the underworld. Three teenage girls arrive at a summer resort with their families, to discover a menacing creature has invaded their innocent world, with unwelcome results.
Storyboard Artist
Emily is celebrating her birthday and Dragon is invited, too. However, the birthday clowns plan to steal him.
Emily is celebrating her birthday and Dragon is invited, too. However, the birthday clowns plan to steal him.
Storyboard Artist
Emily, an 8 year old girl, and a centuries year old Railway Dragon, share an adventure that they'll never forget.
Emily, an 8 year old girl, and a centuries year old Railway Dragon, share an adventure that they'll never forget.