Günther Jerschke

Günther Jerschke

Nacimiento : 1921-10-08, Wrocław, Poland

Muerte : 1997-05-06


Günther Jerschke
Günther Jerschke


Millowitsch Theater - Adel verpflichtet zu nichts
Millowitsch - Theater: Otto der Treue
Die kluge Bauerntochter
Charleys Tante
Colonel Chesney
Die Stadt im Tal
Eine ungeliebte Frau
Millowitsch - Theater - Lieber reich - aber glücklich
Generaldirektor Bruckmann
Millowitsch - Theater: Week-End im Paradies
Nicht Lob - noch Furcht. Graf Galen, Bischof von Münster
Vikar Rot
Mit dem Strom
Streng, Redakteur
Gran Canaria
Vier gegen das britische Pfund
Jürgen Roland’s St. Pauli-Report
It is about brawls, prostitution, a prison escapee, murder and manslaughter. The film wants to be documentary, the director himself appears as moderator and interviewer.
Kein Geldschrank geht von selber auf. Die Eddie Chapman Story
Mr. J.
Flucht - Der Fall Münzenberg
Karl Radek
Blaue Blüten
Drucker Schulze
Die Person
tv-movie by Wolfgang Staudte
Der Tod des Deputierten Jean Jaurès
SPD-Abgeordneter Hugo Haase
Das kann doch unsren Willi nicht erschüttern
Heimo Buntje
Summer in Germany, anno 1970. Italy is the number one destination. As every year, swarms of Teutonic tourists make their way to the Adriatic Sea. Only Willi Hirsekorn (Heinz Erhardt) from Castrop-Rauxel has so far no plans to break south. That changes, however, as the bitchy neighbor Mizzi Buntje (Kate Jaenicke) proudly tells of their upcoming holiday in Italy. Willi can not afford this boasting. Shortly determined, the bags are packed, and already rushes Willi in the car with his wife Sieglinde, daughter Lotti and son Kuno the sun.
Der irische Freiheitskampf
Prof. MacNeill
Marinemeuterei 1917
Sir Basil Zaharoff - Makler des Todes
Graf Balny
Zieh den Stecker raus, das Wasser kocht
Kalman M. Kaschtan
Friedrich Ebert - Geburt einer Republik
Dr. Landsberg
Aus dem Alltag in der DDR
Direktor Prof. Bernhardt / Erwin Grasmann
Der Kampf um den Reigen
Der Fall Liebknecht-Luxemburg
Reconstruction of the murder of Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemburg and the following farcical military court procedures.
Der Fall Tuchatschewskij
Die Stimme im Glas
Die Benachrichtigung
The Heathens of Kummerow
Kummerow, a village in North East Germany, around 1900: Mean-spirited miller Düker wants to drive cowherd Krischan out of the village. Being popular with the local children, Krischan can rely on the help of schoolboys Martin and Johannes and their friends, who try to prevent the miller's plans by playing pranks on him.
Crumbles letzte Chance
Mr. Rossman
Love Thy Neighbour
Love Thy Neighbour (Danish: Elsk... din næste!, German: Vergiß nicht deine Frau zu küssen ) is a 1967 Danish-German comedy film directed by Egil Kolstø and starring Walter Giller.
Das schwedische Zündholz
Die gelehrten Frauen
Mil millones en un billar
Un chico soñador que trabaja en un banco suizo quiere hacerse rico, pero como no fue educado en el robo, al contrario que la deliciosa Bettina, cuya madre es el cerebro de una banda, tiene una buena idea: dejar que los demás hagan el trabajo y apoderarse del botín después.
Ein Haus voll Musik - Die heitere Geschichte einer Zwangsräumung
Oberwachtmeister Schulze
Hotel Iphigenie
Monsieur Veluze
Polizeirevier Davidswache
Encounters in Salzburg
Direktor Wechsel
Eine schöne Bescherung
Das Kriminalgericht
Der tolle Tag
Basilio, Gesangslehrer
Die Rebellion
Gangsters en Londres
Mr. Shelby
Bandas rivales de Chicago se trasladan a Londres, con la intención de extorsionar a los británicos ricos.
The Liar
When the wife of Sebastian Schumann left her family, he told his little daughter that her mother has died, because he thought that this was the easiest way for her to accept that her mother is now gone. But this was only the beginning of a lot of lies he tells her continuously, mostly about himself and his job. This way he also tries to hide away from her the fact that he had to quit his job as a traveler and is now paid much less than before.
Los ojos muertos de Londres
Un asesino, que camufla su cara con unos cristales blanquecinos sobre sus ojos, le está haciendo el trabajo sucio a un médico de seguros, para que pueda cobrar el dinero del seguro de las víctimas.
Der Teufel spielte Balalaika
Pünktchen und Anton
Drillinge an Bord
Salem Aleikum
Gangster Ali Ben Ali
Buddenbrooks - 2. Teil
Kandidat Modersohn
Second part of two of the saga of the troubled Buddenbrook family and their business in 19th century Germany.
First part of two of the saga of the troubled Buddenbrook family and their business in mid 19th century Germany.
La banda de la rana
Radio Voice
Una banda de delincuentes tiene atemorizada la ciudad de Londres con sus delitos: tras cada fechoría dejan como señal la marca de una rana, y su misterioso jefe oculta la identidad bajo un grotesco disfraz, en el que destacan unos ojos terroríficos. El inspector Elk, encargado del caso, se enfrenta a un problema insoluble: no hay pistas útiles, y los testigos potenciales guardan silencio por miedo a morir. Richard Gordon, sobrino del jefe de Scotland Yard, inicia su propia investigación, y sus pesquisas le llevan a un club nocturno, el “Lolita”. Varios personajes sospechosos se cruzan en su camino...
Verbrechen nach Schulschluß
The Man Who Sold Himself
Dr. Zerbst
Meant to be a diatribe against yellow journalism and current social ills, this weakly limned drama by Josef von Baky features a reporter who works for one of the tabloid papers. The reporter digs up dirt on the past life of a local hotel owner, and wanting to take full advantage of the muck, he strings out his revelations in a series of perjorative, damning articles on the man. The result of this campaign turns out to be much worse than simply ruining the hotel owner's reputation.
Der Schinderhannes
Welscher Jockel
Der Tod auf dem Rummelplatz
La fille de Hambourg
Windhund und Seehund
Mann mit Magazin
Doctor Crippen Lives
Leutnant Sergejeff
Die Heiratsvermittlerin
Die Husaren kommen
Drei Tage Mittelarrest
Musketier Sanftmut
Der kleine Napoleon
Albert Nielson
La Brige und das Gesetz
Three from Variety
Jeanine, her husband Alexis and Renato are the stars of the Varieté Royal under the name “The 3 Loopings”. A blindfolded somersault performed for the first time catapulted the three even higher in the audience’s favour. Jeanine repeatedly has problems with Renato, who has fallen in love her…
Das Ministerium ist beleidigt
Ministerialdirektor Godard
Hin und her
Ferdinand Havlicek
Der König mit dem Regenschirm
Männer im gefährlichen Alter
Hochzeit auf Reisen
Die Privatsekretärin
Dreaming Lips
Fight of the Tertia
Der Kampf der Tertia (Fight of the Tertia) is the story of a group of tough but sensitive German schoolboys. Upon learning that a local catskin dealer intends to buy up all the local felines, the boys organize a boycott against the man. It's a uphill climb, since the dealer has the law and the government on his side, having spread a rumor that the cats were diseased and needed to be killed off. Thanks to the boys, who aren't above a little larceny and duplicity themselves, the villain is foiled and the world made safe for meowers and mousers once more. Kampf der Tertia is based on a popular children's novel by Wilhelm Speyer.
Under the Thousand Lanterns
This German drama tells the story of a musician who is killed and leaves his work unfinished. His apprentice is cleared of the murder and turns out to be the real composer.
Under the Thousand Lanterns
This German drama tells the story of a musician who is killed and leaves his work unfinished. His apprentice is cleared of the murder and turns out to be the real composer.
Kommen Sie am Ersten
Die verschleierte Maja
Pour le Mérite
Adjutant des Kommandeurs der Flieger