Norma Camara


The Rolling Stones Rock and Roll Circus
Makeup Artist
Un evento de 1968 organizado por The Rolling Stones. La película consta de dos conciertos en un escenario de circo e incluyó actos como The Who, Taj Mahal, Marianne Faithfull y Jethro Tull. John Lennon y su prometida Yoko Ono actuaron como parte de un supergrupo llamado The Dirty Mac, junto con Eric Clapton, Mitch Mitchell y Keith Richards.
Makeup Artist
After her young son accidentally drowns, a woman has a breakdown and is finally placed in a mental hospital. After her release, her husband takes her for a weekend at a secluded country mansion, hoping to help her recover. However, things at the mansion aren't quite what they seem to be, the couple begin to feel an uneasy and oppressive presence, and the mother starts to see things that may, or may not, be hallucinations.