Sári Haragonics


Her Mothers
A medida que el clima político de Hungría se radicaliza cada vez más, Virág, una antigua política verde, pierde la fe en el pretendido gobierno democrático del país y se retira de la política. Ella y su compañera Nóra deciden adoptar a un niño y enfocarse en construir una familia
Don't Worry, Sari!
My mother died 10 years ago. I've been trying to fulfil her absence since and take care of my closest male relatives: my dad who is left alone after 30 years of marriage, my brother ZALÁN who can't find his place in the world, and my cousin BENDEGÚZ, a father of a 2 year-old still putting alcohol and partying in front of everything else. I’m 36 now and I want to stop the patterns I’ve been repeating, so I’m starting a transgenerational therapy. DON’T WORRY, SARI! is a situative documentary. The therapy sessions will give a frame to the film and in between we see a personal family saga. For that we’ll use footage that my mother and later I have been filming since the 1980s: situative scenes, voice recorded dreams, archives and voice messages.