Christine Jones

Christine Jones


Christine Jones


Promises to Keep
Evelyn Goodman
Jonathan and Evelyn were lovers 30 years ago but have been estranged ever since because Evelyn left the church to marry one of Jonathan's divorced friends and Jonathan has been trying to get her to return to her Catholic faith ever since. Now widowed, they're forced to face their past when their children fall in love.
Divine Decision: Double Down
Sister Mary Rose
The seven-year-itch hits the marriage of Joe and Emily while Tony's wife Amana is being pursued by her rock star ex-boyfriend who Tony's company manages. Will both their marriages disintegrate when they return to the Marriage Tribunal?
Healing River
Ingrid Ambelin
Después de que un adolescente adicto a las drogas mata al único hijo de una mujer, su indignación se convierte en ira por la indulgencia de la corte. Buscando desesperadamente vengarse del joven, se ve obligada a enfrentar las demandas de su fe cristiana. Lo que sucede después es inimaginable...