Wolfgang Kieling

Wolfgang Kieling

Nacimiento : 1924-03-16,

Muerte : 1985-10-07


Wolfgang Kieling
Wolfgang Kieling


Zieh den Stecker raus, das Wasser kocht
Joseph Pickler und Rembrandt van Rijn
In Amt und Würden
Nonstop Trouble with the Family
Notar Prätorius
A series of murders eliminates the poverty-stricken heirs to a 10 million-dollar fortune while Didi Dodel, the unsuspecting main heir, blithely escapes the attempts on his life. After a wealthy miser dies and leaves his fortune to Didi and five others, the five each hit upon the idea of eliminating Didi from the list (Didi does not know he has been named), but they do not realize how fate can step in and alter the best and worst of intentions.
Man Under Suspicion
Man Under Suspicion (German: Morgen in Alabama) is a 1984 West German film directed by Norbert Kückelmann.
Der Schiedsrichter
Karl Bisst
Grenzenloses Himmelblau
German TV comedy.
Das Geschenk
Alfred Richertz
Un ascensor atascado es utilizado como imagen de los problemas de la moderna sociedad alemana. Un viernes por la tarde, cuatro personas han quedado encerradas en el ascensor, colgados a cien metros del suelo. Un estafador, un joven y una pareja a punto de romper su relación. En ese ambiente claustrofóbico descubrirán la parte más oscura de ellos mismos.
Strafanzeige gegen Unbeteiligt
Clemens Weichmüller
Satan ist auf Gottes Seite
Der Trauschein
Daniel Brozowsky
The Oppermanns
Martin Oppermann
Mein Bruder und ich
O du fröhliche - Besinnliche Weihnachtsgeschichten
Der Spot oder Fast eine Karriere
Konsul Ingelmann
This bizarre comedy demonstrates - as a convincing example - how TV-commercials may be produced, sacrificing extensive amounts of money, bottomless creativity and even human life without any respect right to the finish.
Der König und sein Narr
Jacob Paul von Gundling
Ein Guru kommt
"A Guru Comes" - A failed opera singer rises to the leader of a new religious community. Satirical film about the new religious movements of the 1970s and 1980s.
Pension Schöller
Leo Schöller
..es ist die Liebe
Die Stühle des Herrn Szmil
Wo die Liebe hinfällt
The Fall
Edmund Gabriel
Der Geist der Mirabelle
Friedrich Schachmann wird verwaltet
Friedrich Schachmann
Bei Westwind hört man keinen Schuß
Anselm Kiwitt
Margarete in Aix
Adhéaume de Croixbouc
Baby Hamilton oder Das kommt in den besten Familien vor
Es fängt ganz harmlos an
Klaus Richter
See-Leben 1
...und die Nacht kennt kein Erbarmen
Iwan Elzer
Der Macher oder Warten auf Godeau
Aus der Chronik der Familie Sawatzki
Von Glissmann
Invitation to a Beheading
Cincinnatus C., un maestro de treinta años, fue declarado culpable del delito de "vileza gnóstica" y será ejecutado dentro de veinte días.
Im Reservat
Alfred Bergmann
A gay man lives with a lonely old lady in a demolished house in Berlin. One day the old lady's daughter stands in front of the door and wants to bring her mother home.
Farmers, Politics and Bombs
Publisher Gebhardt
The tax officials Thiel and Kalübbe try to confiscate two oxen, but are prevented from doing so by protesting farmers led by the community leader Reimers. The assistant editor Tredup, who takes photos of the incident, is also in the thick of things.
Millowitsch - Theater: Week-End im Paradies
Das letzte Paradies
Bremen Freedom
A very stylized TV version of the Fassbinder play. The set consists of a few pieces of furniture in front of a large screen on which coastal scenery is back projected. Geesche is a nineteenth century woman who wants to have a mind of her own. She defies convention and will do anything to achieve her freedom from oppression by her family and friends. (synopsis written by Will Gilbert)
El muerto hace las maletas
Un detective de Scotland Yard está persiguiendo a un asesino lanzador de puñales por todo Londres. Sus pesquisas le llevan hasta un club nocturno y a un misterioso doctor que trafica con drogas.
Der Eisberg der Vorsehung
Charles Francis Hall
Der Angestellte
Die Ahnfrau - Oratorium nach Franz Grillparzer
Un experto en medidas de seguridad decide, junto a su novia, robar el banco donde acaba de instalar un complejo sistema anti atracos. La pareja se hace así con un millón y medio de dólares. Sin embargo, en su camino se interponen tres matones, que les persiguen para apoderarse del botín del atraco.
Goya: Or the Hard Way to Enlightenment
As a painter in the court of King Carlos IV, Goya has attained wealth and reputation. He believes in King and Church, yet he is also a Spaniard who dearly loves his people. This contradiction presents him with a dilemma.
The Refusal
The story of the last days of Austrian farmer Franz Jägerstätter (1907-43), who was executed by the Nazi regime because of his refusal to compromise with a perverse system.
Das Loch zur Welt
Maiden, You please Me
A Saxon village in 1792: While the Prussians go against France, the haymaking takes place in the village and the resolute Marthe catches her daughter Ev with the village blacksmith Ruprecht in the hay.
The Seventh Year
Günter Heim
Dr. Barbara Heim, a heart surgeon, and Gunter Heim, a well-known actor, have been married for seven years. They have a six-year-old daughter. Both partners are totally taken up by their work which is physically and mentally demanding. So there is little time left for family life and the strained relations worsen and finally plunge Barbara into a crisis - shortly before their seventh wedding anniversary. At this very point a child dies in hospital, prompting Barbara to ask herself in desperation if - and for how long she can put up with the double burden of career and family. On top of this, she notices that Gunter is starting to compare her to other women.
Amsterdam Affair
An Englishman in Holland gets involved in a murder case. It looks bad for him, but the wily Inspector Van Der Valk isn't convinced of his guilt.
Tevye and His Seven Daughters
Anton Poperilli, Tevjes Nachbar
Russia, 1905. Tuvia is the only Jew living in the village of Antevka. He is very poor but things change when, as a token of gratitude for a service rendered, he is given a cow and some food. Now, his wife, his seven daughters and himself have access to a better life. Tuvia sells his milk and his butter. Moreover, he is now able to give his daughters a dowry and marry them. But you can't buy happiness...
La marca del escorpión
Sir Cecil
Un asesino en serie, que se autodenomina "El cadáver risueño", se disfraza de esqueleto y mata a sus víctimas con una anillo en forma de escorpión, lleno de veneno.
Operación San Pedro
Una banda de ladrones napolitanos se traslada a Roma para robar "la Pietà" de Michelangelo. Aunque el robo tiene éxito, la estatua les es arrebatada por el bandido Joe Ventura, que pretende utilizarla para chantajear al Vaticano.
Fliegender Sand
Gordon B. Clark
La casa de las mil muñecas
Polizeiinspektor Emile
Fernando, un joven de buena familia, busca a su novia, quien ha sido raptada con objeto de integrarla en un comercio de trata de blancas, organizado por un individuo de apariencia respetable. Fernando ha perdido las esperanzas y acompaña a su mejor amigo en sus andanzas nocturnas... hasta que llega a La Casa de las Mil Muñecas, donde deberán descubrir al Rey de Corazones.
Dead Run
A thief gets hold of some top secret papers and is chased around Europe by the sinister Organisation.
Ein Toter braucht kein Alibi
Mark Renfrew
La venganza de Fu-Manchú
Dr. Lieberson
En su escondite remoto en Asia, el malvado Fu Manchú planea desacreditar y matar a su archienemigo, Nayland Smith de Scotland Yard, como primer paso en su plan de llegar a ser el líder de los criminales más terribles del mundo.
Pension Clausewitz
S.O.S. - Morro Castle
George Rogers
Das Abgründige in Herrn Gerstenberg
Cortina rasgada
Hermann Gromek
Michael Armstrong es un científico norteamericano que viaja a la Alemania Oriental con Sarah Sherman, su novia y secretaria. Una vez allí, actúa como si fuera un desertor con el fin de obtener datos sobre la tecnología nuclear soviética. Pero, precisamente cuando consigue la información que buscaba, es descubierto. La pareja deberá afrontar entonces todo tipo de situaciones peligrosas hasta que consigue huir del país.
Geschlossene Gesellschaft
Congress of Love
Napoleons Doppelgänger
Vienna 1965. While visiting the Wax Museum a group of tourists stop in front of the figure of Prince Metternich. All of a sudden they find themselves brought back 150 years earlier during the Vienna Congress of 1814-1815. Before their eyes wide open, history is in the making. Gathered around the Tsar of Russia, Alexander I, the Kings of Bavaria, Würtemberg, Prussia and Denmark, are persuaded they are building the future Europe whereas they are being manipulated by foxy Chancellor Metternich, he himself under the thumb of cynical Count Talleyrand, the French representative. All those considerations come second though to partying and social life, which is all these aristocrats really want out of this congress.
Das Mädchen aus Mira
Duel at Sundown
Punch Parker
Don McGow deja su ganado a cargo de su hermano. Cuando se entera de que el ganado ha desaparecido, va en busca de los culpables y descubre que ha sido su hermano.
001, operación Caribe
Elmer Hayes
Jamaica, en la década de los 60. El FBI envía hasta este escenario caribeño a un agente para que siga la pista de una banda de criminales que actúa a nivel internacional. El agente Gerry Stewart llega al lugar paradisiaco con todos los utensilios necesarios para una misión de acción como ésta. Como en toda cinta de este género, no faltan aquí los puñetazos, tiroteos y artilugios de espía para mantener la atención del espectador.
Los bandidos de Río Grande
Helen, Joan y Lida son 3 jóvenes maestras trasladadas a una aldea mexicana, donde serán secuestradas y hostigadas por bandidos.
Der Sündenbock
Studienrat Karel
Hotel der toten Gäste
Jack Courtney
The House in Karp Lane
Karl Marek
Die Physiker
Johann Wilhelm Möbius
Polizeirevier Davidswache
Hauptwachmeister Glantz
Die Zeit der Schuldlosen
Three men plot to assassinate the dictator of their country, but their plan fails and one of them is captured and imprisoned. Even after considerable torture and interrogation, the revolutionary maintains his silence as to the names of his accomplices. Soon he is killed, though no one seems to know who is responsible for his death. Four years later another regime has been established, and a former inmate of the dead revolutionary finds himself in a position of power. He now intends to find out who was responsible for the man's death. After this German tale first took the form of a radio play and then a stage production, character actor Peter Carsten decided to produce this film version.
Bericht von den Inseln
König Richard III.
Richard III
Der Traum des Eroberers
Die Teufelsspur
Hedda Gabler
Jörgen Tesman
Dantons Tod
St. Just
Der Belagerungszustand
Die Pest
A comet drops from the sky and causes a stir in Cadiz, Spain. A nihilistic drunk called Nada announces that very bad things are imminent. A herald gives orders that it is punishable to mention the comet.
Cavaliere di Ripafratta
Heute kündigt mir mein Mann
Frau Cheneys Ende
Mord im Dom
Erster Versucher
Der rote Hahn
Doktor Boxer
Murder Party
Mr. Marble
Die Sendung der Lysistrata
Dr. Salbach
Persuaded by Lysistrata, the women of Athens agree to withdraw all sexual favours from the men until the men agree to end to war with Sparta.
Agatha, laß das Morden sein!
A black comedy about a female author of crime novels who becomes a victim of a macabre hoax.
Doctor Without Scruples
Dr. Stein
Der Mann, der nicht nein sagen konnte
A man takes in three a dog and three runaway girls.
Der Parasit
Beamter Selicour
Duped Till Doomsday
Private Lick
East Germany's contribution to the 1957 Cannes Film Festival was the wartime melodrama Betrogen bis zum Juengsten Tag. Had the film been released in the U.S., the title would probably have translated to Duped Till the Last. The film condemns the Nazi mindset by concentrating on a particularly odious cover-up. When his son is involved in the accidental killing of a girl, a Gestapo general pulls strings to save the boy from prosecution. The general manages to pin the blame for the killing on a group of Russians, whereupon he gives the men under his command carte blanche to round up and execute as many innocent Russians as they wish. This act of brutality is contrasted with the pangs of guilt suffered by the son and his co-conspirators.
Damals in Paris
Friedel Walter
The authorities expect the case of Friedel Walter, alias "Dr. Mueller," to be a straightforward one: he was working as a doctor without proper credentials under a false name. But Mehlin, the man in charge of his case, knows that there is more to the story. When he was injured fleeing from a concentration camp, resistance worker Irene asked her medical student boyfriend Walter to give him medical care.
Jenny und der Herr im Frack
Falstaff in Wien
The Journey to Tilsit
Klein Franz
From the same Sudermann story that inspired Murnau's Sunrise (1927). A villager is tempted by a sophisticated city woman and almost kills his wife in a boating accident.
Frauen für Golden Hill
Women are being sent to an all male settlement. The marriages are planned in advance, but not everything goes according to plan.
Altes Herz geht auf die Reise
Der Solist im Schulchor
The underage Rosemarie is still too young to run her inherited farm by herself; but she's more than aware that her foster father and the farm's administrator, the farmer Schlieker, is constantly skimming from the farm's finances to line his own pocket. To put an end to Schlieker's scheme, Rosemarie asks her godfather, Professor Kittgus, for help. But when Kittgus confronts Schlieker, the farmer not only proves to be unreasonable but also violent...
Robby, Sohn des Bankpräsidenten
The Kreutzer Sonata
Maria, die Magd
Christoph, Marias kleiner Bruder