Harald 'Harry' Heiden
Lilly's life is perfect until she gets pregnant unexpectedly. Her boyfriend Christian panics making a disillusioned Lilly leave him. She finds comfort with her new neighbour Ulli König, but Christian finds his way back to her. In the meanwhile he developed fatherly feelings and tries to win Lilly back...
Pumponell (voice)
En una pequeña isla de los mares del sur viven el profesor Tibatong y su hijo, un pingüino, un lagarto, la cigüeña con un pico de zapato y hasta un león marino, todos con su democracia bien organizada, sus fiestas y reuniones, y hasta los inevitables roces vecinales. De repente, un día, un huevo congelado dentro de un iceberg llega a las playas de la isla, y del cascarón sale un travieso pero encantador bebé dinosaurio...
Anna and Edith are colleagues at an insurance company. Their male chef uses the women's business success to his own advances. Anna's husband would prefer her to be at home. Anna and Edith become a couple, but it doesn't end with a romantic rendez-vous. Together, and with the help of their female colleagues, they want to improve their work conditions.