A human drama based on the true story of Satoshi Fukushima, a professor at the University of Tokyo's Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology, who became the world's first deafblind university professor, and his mother, Reiko. Reiko lives with her teacher husband and three sons in a town in the Kansai region. The youngest son, Satoshi, who lost his sight when he was a child, grew up with a naivete surrounded by the love of his family and went to high school at a school for the blind in Tokyo, but at the age of 18 he also lost his hearing. Wracked by loneliness in a world of darkness and silence, Satoshi was given hope by Reiko's new means of communication, "finger Braille," which she devised based on her daily life with him. Mother and son courageously overcome difficulties one by one and open up new possibilities in their lives.
Este trabajo es una historia de 12 años de Mana, una mujer que no puede aceptar la muerte de su mejor amiga, mirándola mientras intenta dar un paso adelante mientras tiene un profundo dolor.
Diagnosed with leukemia in February 2019, Japanese competitive swimmer Rikako Ikee returns to her destiny: the center lane, in Hirokazu Kore-eda's short film for skincare brand SK-II.
Satoshi become blind at his age of 9 and become deaf at the age of 18. Support from his family, Support from his friends. Satoshi's struggle of his meaning of "being alive" " His reason of existence" The story has a strong message of being a "HUMAN" and the deep relationship of "WHAT FAMILY IS" Based upon a true story.
Yuna y Akari son dos chicas con un concepto del amor completamente opuesto: Yuna es soñadora y romántica, Akari -en cambio- tiene los pies sobre la tierra. Aun así, se hacen muy amigas, pero las cosas cambian repentinamente cuando Yuna se enamora de Rio, el hermano de Akari. Para complicar mas todo, este a su vez se enamora de Kazuomi, un amigo de la infancia de Yuna.