Nedim Prohić


The Glembays
Balloczanski, baruničin prijatelj
The Glembays of Zagreb are a rich family cursed with tragedies and haunted by sinister past. Leone Glembay, a rebelious son of the family patriarch, is becoming disgusted with hypocrisy, perversion and crime that runs in the family.
In the Camp
Piano player is commissioned as an officer in WW1 Austro-Hungarian army. His sensitive soul is being tormented by war atrocities. And then he is ordered to hang an old lady...
La decisión de Sophie
Verano de 1947. Stingo, un joven aspirante a escritor, se instala en El Palacio Rosa, una pensión familiar de Brooklyn, con la intención de escribir una novela. Sin embargo, su tranquilidad se verá pronto turbada por la terrible discusión de una pareja que vive en el piso de arriba. Cuando conoce a los amantes queda cautivado por su encanto y simpatía. Ella, Sophie Zawistowska, es una hermosa emigrante polaca y católica. Él, Nathan Landau, es un brillante, encantador y desequilibrado científico judío. Poco a poco, Stingo se convierte en su mejor amigo. Sophie, hija de un ilustre profesor polaco, sobrevivió al campo de exterminio de Auschwitz, pero vive atormentada por su pasado.
Melkior Tresic is one of many intellectuals in 1941 Zagreb who is helplessly waiting for the encroaching war.
Bombing Process
In 1928 young Communist activist was arrested and put on trial for anti-state activity. Years later he became known as Tito, Communist president of Yugoslavia, and this TV-movie was made for the 50th anniversary of those events.