Douglas O'Neil


What She Wants for Christmas
Santa Claus
Ten year-old Abigail has written to the North Pole and asked for something very special this year something she has kept secret from her Mother. On Christmas Eve while her Mother sleeps, Abigail hides in her living room waiting to make sure that Santa delivers the correct goods. But when Abigail sees that he hasnt included her special gift, she pulls the trigger and activates her back-up plan. With an elaborate set of booby traps, Abigail captures St. Nick himself! Determined not to let him go until he provides the right present.
Wishmaster 2: El mal nunca muere
Una mujer resulta herida en el tiroteo que se produce en un atraco a una galería de arte. Logra salvar su vida gracias a una piedra preciosa que encierra en su interior al monstruo Djinn. En libertad, el extraño ser adquiere forma humana y va absorbiendo las almas de todos los que le rodean. Una terrorífica pesadilla hecha realidad.