Georg Siebert


El hombre perdido
El científico Karl Rother descubre que su esposa, además de serle infiel, le está pasando información sobre sus descubrimientos a los aliados. Rothe la asesina y las fuerzas de seguridad del gobierno, en lugar de castigarlo por ello, ocultan lo sucedido para que el científico prosiga con unas investigaciones muy útiles para ellos. Pero, tras el crimen, Rothe comienza a sentir un ansia insana de asesinar, de la que sentirá tal culpabilidad que le irá consumiendo poco a poco.
Ich liebe Dich
Production Manager
Percy, a young, rich American, is on vacation in Germany and thinks that every girl wants his sorry ass. He’s far from right: There’s the hugely admired Eve, whom he’s decided will be the love of his life, but who isn’t in the slightest bit impressed with either him or his Dollars. To finally be able to talk to her without being disturbed so he can express his feelings, he slips a mickey in her drink and takes her to the house of his friend Max. When Eve finally emerges from the drug-induced nap forced upon her, Percy admits his love (!) and is told to drop dead. And this is their idea of a romantic comedy?!?
Fahrendes Volk
If I Were King
Unit Manager