Key Animation
Hace mucho tiempo en el lejano Tenjikukoku habla un mundo llamado Paraíso donde los humanos y los monstruos coexistían pacíficamente. Pero un día de los monstruos empezaron a atacar a los humanos. Un monje llamado Sanzo, enviado por las fuerzas celestiales, es el encargado de reunirse con sus viejos camaradas Son Goku, Sha Gojyo y Cho Hakkai para evitar que el dios de los monstruos, Gyumao despierte y vuelva a sembrar el terror para siempre. Durante el viaje al Oeste, Sanzo y sus amigos salvan a una chica llamada Houran que estaba siendo atacada por un poderoso monstruo pájaro. Ésta en agradecimiento les invita a la mansión donde trabaja, allí nuestros amigos encontrarán a un nuevo enemigo. Go Gougan, el jefe de Houran, un maestro de magia negra...
Animation Director
Mari Amachi is a very devout Christian who transfers to Perfect Religion Academy. A school devoted to all religions of the world in effort to make it's students the next world leaders in religion. Her friend Saori is kidnapped by the Black Buddha cult; a group who wishes to take away religious freedom though force and brainwashing. Mari prays to God for help but Buddha answers the call, instead! Mari aspires only to help her friend and she is transformed into Butt Attack Punisher Girl Gotaman. Between fighting bad guys, making a deal with Buddha, and wearing scandalous costumes, is it more than Mari can take?
Character Designer
Mari Amachi is a very devout Christian who transfers to Perfect Religion Academy. A school devoted to all religions of the world in effort to make it's students the next world leaders in religion. Her friend Saori is kidnapped by the Black Buddha cult; a group who wishes to take away religious freedom though force and brainwashing. Mari prays to God for help but Buddha answers the call, instead! Mari aspires only to help her friend and she is transformed into Butt Attack Punisher Girl Gotaman. Between fighting bad guys, making a deal with Buddha, and wearing scandalous costumes, is it more than Mari can take?
Animation Director
Based on Kaori Kimeki's fantasy manga in "Princess" magazine.