Amira Daoudi


I am not a hero
As the world attempts to grapple with the strange new reality precipitated by COVID-19, essential workers are risking their lives daily. This guerilla documentary, shot in Brussels Erasmus University Hospital during the first few months of the lockdown, tells their story.
Belgian Blue
Graphic Designer
The films tells the story of a cow and its calve in times of modern cattle farming. They’re both of the Belgian Blue breed. In a decelerant and sensitive way, the film explores our sensibility towards our animal vis-à-vis.
Cuando el toro lloró
Graphic Designer
Danger, toil, and superstition pervade life in a mining town high up in the Bolivian mountains. Tin is the heartbeat of the community providing jobs and livelihoods - but at considerable cost. With deaths commonplace, people make offerings to El Tio, the devil under the earth, for protection and good fortune. But when the mountain's flow of tin ebbs, further measures must be taken...