Overcoming poverty and abuse, Diana Wright built a multi-million dollar business devoted to improving the quality of life for nurses, only to be given a terminal cancer death sentence by the very industry she dedicated her life to. Failed by the American medical system with only eight months to live, Diana takes her health into her own hands, spending her forecasted time in search of the cure for cancer.
Overcoming poverty and abuse, Diana Wright built a multi-million dollar business devoted to improving the quality of life for nurses, only to be given a terminal cancer death sentence by the very industry she dedicated her life to. Failed by the American medical system with only eight months to live, Diana takes her health into her own hands, spending her forecasted time in search of the cure for cancer.
Kid at Parade
Darby Shaw, una estudiante de Derecho, escribe un informe en el que analiza las posibles razones del reciente asesinato de dos jueces del Tribunal Supremo. Su informe, en principio descabellado, parece que toca material "sensible", pues pronto será objeto de una implacable persecución, de la que saldrá con vida gracias a la ayuda de un periodista que también quiere descubrir quiénes están detrás de esos asesinatos.