Pan Tau, the friend of all children, now also helps the adults.
A movie producer is in trouble and decides to shoot another Pan-Tau movie. But the old Pan-Tau actor Karasek is no longer young enough to walk the almost weightless walk of Pan Tau.
Mr. Novak turns up - he resembles Pan Tau like a twin brother. He succeeds every pirouette. And as if by magic, he solves all the problems between people! Who is Mr. Novak? Is he really ...?
La película recrea los hechos históricos que precedieron al asesinato político del archiduque Francisco Fernando, único heredero del Imperio Austrohúngaro, y su esposa, Sofía en Sarajevo en 1914, por parte de un nacionalista serbio, y el período inmediatamente posterior que llevó al estallido de la Primera Guerra Mundial.