Stephanie Marett

Stephanie Marett


Stephanie Marett


The Pizza Joint
Set Decoration
En el pueblo de Greensville, donde el Cannabis se ha legalizado recientemente, Thomas (Timothy Delaghetto) y Anthony (Anthony Guajardo) son los dueños de la mejor pizzería local, llamada Phu-King Pizza. Ambos han acordado un trato con un antiguo traficante, ahora convertido en hombre de negocios, Playa Playa (Noel G), para convertir su mejor cepa en una salsa para la pizza. Justo cuando todo parece ir sobre ruedas descubren aterrorizados que los 20.000 dólares que tenían ahorrados para pagar a Playa Playa han desaparecido. Tienen hasta medianoche para encontrar el dinero o tendrán que sufrir las consecuencias.
Home Stay
Art Direction
Veronica y Anthony pasan su luna de miel en una casa de alquiler ubicada en un pueblo tranquilo cerca de la playa; cuando comienzan sucesos extraños, pronto descubren que la casa no es lo que parece y el terror que realmente les espera.
Lost Luggage
Set Decoration
Neil Bishop has spent his whole life living on the fringes of society. His only interaction with people is through his job as a lost luggage courier. One day, Neil delivers luggage to a woman in suffering, and he discovers someone like him. In this dreamlike psychological thriller, Neil Bishop sets out to make today, unlike any other day.
Lost Luggage
Tiffany's Friend
Neil Bishop has spent his whole life living on the fringes of society. His only interaction with people is through his job as a lost luggage courier. One day, Neil delivers luggage to a woman in suffering, and he discovers someone like him. In this dreamlike psychological thriller, Neil Bishop sets out to make today, unlike any other day.