Julia Kuzka

Julia Kuzka


Julia Kuzka


White Courage
Bronka's sister
The film tells the story of two Highlander brothers – Maciek and Andrzej. After the death of their father, which Andrzej contributed to, and the loss of his beloved Bronka, Andrzej leaves the family home. On his way, he meets the mysterious Wolfram, an anthropologist and climber. He shares with him his mountaineering technique and knowledge about the Prague origins of the highlanders. Andrzej returns to Zakopane, war breaks out. To protect the Highlanders from wartime destruction, he wants to persuade them to cooperate with the Germans. Andrzej and Maciek are standing on opposite sides of the barricade. The brothers' confrontation is bloody and painful.
Daughter comes to her father's apartment to feed the cat and water the flowers in his absence. However, the animal makes trouble, and the teenager discovers a secret hidden from her.
Mi maravillosa vida
Una mujer en un matrimonio infeliz lucha por conservar unida a su familia de varias generaciones mientras intenta evitar que un extorsionador anónimo revele su secreto.
Alicja i Żabka
Alicja Raczyńska