Armand Laroche


Juego de honor
Black Top Hatted Man
El joven jugador amateur Francis Quimet tiene un talento innato para el golf y un gran sueño: llegar a competir con los mejores jugadores del mundo en un gran torneo. Para un chico de clase humilde, esto es prácticamente imposible. Pero, a fuerza de voluntad, coraje y talento, Quimet intentará vencer todas las barreras para convertirse en campeón del Open de Estados Unidos...
La petite histoire d'un homme sans histoire
A man in his mid-40s is killed by a truck just after receiving a prescription against death from his doctor. He then regains consciousness in a video store, and with some further difficulties, receives a film of his life. Although full of factual inaccuracies, it is an enjoyable examination of his birth, youth, marriage, family and death. Unfortunately, his request for a sequel is denied, and as he advances down the corridor to God, technical difficulties are experienced.
Amateur de mannequin
Karmina, a young vampire (only 140 years old) flees her Translylvanian castle where she must marry the horrible Vlad to please her father, the mean Baron, and her mother, the eccentric Baronness. Karmina finds refuge in Quebec at the home of her aunt Esméralda, an older vampire who lives among humans thanks to a potion that temporarily transforms a vampire into one of them. Under the effect of the potion, Karmina falls in love with Phillipe, a charming church organist. But Vlad, the Baron and the Baronness soon show up in pursuit of her and turn a poor customs officer, Ghislain Chabot, into a vampire to aid them in retrieving her. Esméralda must become the great vampire of yesteryear to fly to the aid of the lovers.
Agente juvenil
Un joven norteamericano llamado Michael Corben se dispone a viajar a París con la clase de francés del instituto. Ésta es la última oportunidad que tiene para graduarse. En el mismo avión viaja un individuo llamado como él, que resulta ser un espía. Cuando llegan a París, dos miembros del servicio de inteligencia británico confunden al muchacho con su hombre. Ni sus explicaciones, ni sus protestas sirven de nada. Desde ese momento, Michael se ve involucrado en una red de espionaje e intriga.
La phonie furieuse
Once Upon a Time in the East
Un client chez Sandra
Two women and a transvestite gay man cross paths in this French Canadian drama. The transvestite is preparing for a drag-queen beauty pageant, and has decided to present himself as Cleopatra. Of the two women, one was just fired from her waitressing job and seeks to go back to work at the nightclub where the beauty pageant is to be held. The other woman's mother has just won one million food stamps.