Jacques Dacqmine

Jacques Dacqmine

Nacimiento : 1923-11-30, La Madeleine, Nord, France

Muerte : 2010-03-29


Jacques Dacqmine (1923–2010) was a French stage, film and television actor. He was married four times, including to the actress Odile Versois. Source: Article "Jacques Dacqmine" from Wikipedia in English, licensed under CC-BY-SA 3.0.


Jacques Dacqmine


Don't Worry, Be Happy
Jean-Marie Bugues
With his vitriolic pen, Désiré Loncle, does not make the life of filmmakers easy. But chickens come home to roost, don't they? As a matter of fact, Désiré gets his due punishment when Manu, his girlfriend, kicks him out of home. At a loss, he finds refuge with Alex, a young actor. He is soon joined by Eduardo, an Italian producer, dumped like him by his wife. While Désiré tries to rebuild himself, the three men decide to write a film script that will be the basis of a vehicle for Alex.
Un crimen en el paraíso
Laborde, président du tribunal
Un día, Jojo ve en televisión al famoso abogado Maurice Jacquard que celebra su vigesimoquinto triunfo ante los tribunales. Incapaz de aguantar su matrimonio ni un minuto más, concierta una cita con el letrado y le comunica que ha matado a su mujer (lo cual no es cierto). Haciendo las preguntas apropiadas consigue averiguar cuáles serían las circunstancias atenuantes que podrían exculparlo en caso de asesinarla.
La novena puerta
Old Man
Dean Corso (Johnny Depp) trabaja de forma confidencial, con sumo cuidado, dotado de una sólida cultura, nervios de acero y pocos escrúpulos. Su reputación le ha servido para recibir la llamada de Boris Balkan (Frank Langella), un apasionado de los textos demoníacos que quiere encontrar los dos últimos libros del legendario manual de invocación satánica De umbrarum regni novem portis: Las nueve puertas del Reino de las Sombras. De Nueva York a Toledo y de París a Sintra, Corso se verá inmerso en un laberinto lleno de peligro, tentaciones, aterradoras sorpresas, violencia y muertes inesperadas.
La dilettante
M. Delaunay
Pierrette is a woman who describes herself as having "opted for the temporary on a permanent basis." After 15 years of living the good life in Switzerland, Pierrette one day packs her bags full of fashionable outfits and returns to her native Paris with no idea of what she'll do. Pierette, however, leads a charmed life; while her son is forced to work the graveyard shift at a factory due to poor job prospects, she's able to find a job right away at a high school. Pierrette soon reintroduces herself to her 23-year-old daughter and one-time best friend, trying to use her charm to skate over years of neglect. She just as suddenly finds a new beau, Ackerman, and starts helping him out with his antique business. However, what would seem like a simple matter -- buying a clock from an elderly woman -- soon turns out to be very complicated and fraught with consequence.
White Lies
Maître Maillard
Believing she comes from a wealthy family, thugs kidnap a young woman hired as an au pair in Paris.
Philippe Hennebeau
Etienne Lantier, un joven parado, se establece en Montsou, un pueblo del Norte de Francia. Allí se hace minero y descubre la miseria, el alcoholismo, las relaciones sexuales sórdidas, la indecencia de hombres como Chaval o la generosidad de Toussaint Maheu; en suma, un mundo de hombres condenados al sufrimiento por el capital. Así es como se compromete con la lucha socialista. Pero algo brilla en medio de tanta miseria: el amor entre Etienne y Catherine. De repente, una bajada de los sueldos provoca una terrible huelga que será duramente reprimida por el ejército; a pesar de todo, él mantiene la esperanza de que toda esa sangre no se haya derramado en vano.
Operación Chuleta de ternera
le Général Moulin
A Tiburón, capitán del servicio de espionaje francés, le encargan la operación Chuleta de Ternera. Su misión es desmantelar una red de tráfico de armas y vigilar una embajada extranjera que se sospecha que ha vendido los planos de un arma secreta.
Nouvelle Vague
Composed entirely of literary quotations from many different sources and from several historical periods, the loose narrative concerns a drifter found by a rich woman who soon falls in love with him. A drowning accident takes place and the drifter dies, but some time later he reappears in the woman’s life looking for a job. Or could it be the man’s twin brother?
Errors of Youth
Mr. Monfort
The oddest things come in pairs. In 1989, there were two foreign films on the market whose titles translated to Errors of Youth or Youthful Indiscretion. One was a Russian film, the other was a French picture, originally titled Erreur de Jeunesse. In this one, would-be poet Francis Frappat breezes through a number of relationships. Of paramount importance to Frappat are his attempts to seduce the lovely Géraldine Danon.
Saccard, ready to use all means, however immoral or illegal, tries to gain back the fortune he lost three years ago. All involving business and the exchange market. He has a loyal accomplice, an indifferent son, maybe-friends, partners and investors and of course, enemies.
Dr. Rémy
Año 1926. Después de seducir a Marcel, un violinista amigo de su marido Pierre, Romaine intenta envenenar a su pareja.
Inspector Lavardin
Raoul Mons
El cadáver de Raoul Mons aparece un día completamente desnudo en la playa con la palabra cerdo escrita sobre su cuerpo. Mons, era hasta entonces un famoso escritor católico que llevaba una vida austera con su mujer Hélène, su hijastra Verónique, una joven adolescente fruto de un anterior matrimonio de Hélène y el hermano de ésta, Claude.
Cover Up
Me Antoine d'Alins
A well-known business lawyer is shot dead in the courthouse. A commissioner of the Criminal Brigade is in charge of the investigation and is helped by a journalist.
The Fall of the House of Usher
Dr. Hawthorne
After a long journey, Alain arrives at the Usher mansion to visit his old friend, Roderick Usher. Upon arriving, however, he discovers that Roderick and his sister, Madeline, have been afflicted with a mysterious malady: Roderick's senses have become painfully acute, while Madeline has become nearly catatonic.
Vice Squad
Police Chief
A young woman is found dead, nude and drugged with tropanyme (a powerful aphrodisiac). Inspector Corentin from the vice squad will go after this new drug and prostitution ring.
In the absence of her royal husband Theseus, thought to be dead, Phaedra declares her love to Hippolyte, Theseus's son from a previous marriage.
The Exterminators
Le 'Vieux'
A French agent, who is sent to save an atomic scientist, uncovers a plot by terrorists and a secret atomic site in Turkey.
Orden: FX 18 debe morir
Le Vieux
El agente Coplan (Ken Clark) de los servicios franceses de seguridad FX 18, es enviado a Mallorca para investigar a una banda de espías establecida en esta isla, que manda información a los países del Este.
Il terrore dei mantelli rossi
Where the Truth Lies
A young veterinarian falls in love with a strange woman, a former explorer who might be a Voodoo priestess, after he comes to help her ailing cheetah. She begs him to return to Africa with her, but he doesn’t want to leave his wife. Soon his wife finds herself plagued by a series of bizarre accidents.
The Game of Truth
Guillaume Geder
Una docena de elegantes personas se reúne en la mansión de un exitoso escritor. Siguiendo la tradición de Agatha Christie, todos ellos tienen algo que esconder. Entre los invitados, figura uno que es odiado por todos los demás, por sus formas de actuar y su malevolencia. Los invitados comienzan el juego de la verdad, un juego donde se supone que no debes decir mentiras. Las preguntas se vuelven cada vez más íntimas y precisas, y los ánimos irán en aumento. En medio de este clima, alguien es asesinado, pero, ¿quién lo hizo?
Quai Notre-Dame
Eloi is a twenty-year-old secondhand goods dealer who does his job without particular enthusiasm. He has a girlfriend, Nénette, but immature as he is, he feels just as happy in the company of Fortunée, his young sister, whose little girl's games he shares as often as he can. The three of them live with Eloi and Fortunée's grandmother, nicknamed by all the "Queen of the Flea Market". In possession of a mirror of Venice, Eloi decides to present it to Dormoy, an antique dealer who keeps up shop in the fashionable districts of Paris. On that occasion Eloi meets and falls in love at first sight with Dormoy's rich mistress. The latter, half-moved, half-consenting, does not discourage him.
Marc Cotteret
Maurice está enamorado de Evelyne, la mujer de su mejor amigo, pero ella rechaza sus avances. Furioso, Maurice propone a Thierry, un gran seductor, que haga caer en sus redes a Evelyne...
A todo riesgo
Commissioner Blot
Abel Davos, un conocido criminal italiano, huye a Francia con su familia eludiendo así una orden de arresto y la condena a muerte. Le acompaña su fiel amigo Raymond Naldi, otro conocido criminal perseguido por la justicia. En la frontera se produce un dramático tiroteo... (FILMAFFINITY)
Una doble vida
Henri Marcoux
Retrato de la alta sociedad francesa. Leda, el ligue del señor Marcoux, es asesinada. Su familia prefiere dejar que la policía inculpe a un inocente, que no pertenece al círculo familiar, pero el prometido de la hija de Marcoux no está de acuerdo.
The Road to Shame
Victor Quaglio
Pierre Rossi and Béatrice live in the same block of flats in Marseille and love each other. One night, Béatrice leaves her apartment. Pierre knows that his fiancée goes to a rendezvous, but she would not tell him more than just that. Worried, Pierre follows her but he is attacked and stolen his identity papers by two men, Tom and Nasol, on the payroll of Quaglio, one of the city's bosses. Later on, Quaglio kills Nasol and deposits the body in a garage, leaving Pierre's papers nearby. As for Pierre, he manages to follow Tom to a villa where several young women have been invited. Pierre, horrified, realizes that this place is the headquarters for the white slave trade. - Written by Guy Bellinger
The Lady and the Gipsy
Louis de Vintheuil
Georgina comes to see her sister Gladys in Paris in order to dissuade her from becoming attached to Rigo, a gypsy conductor. When she meets the latter, it is love at first sight. Louis, Georgina’s husband, does not accept this situation.
Sylviane de mes nuits
Michel Lenoir, a successful interior designer, has reached the middle of his life without ever getting married. A bit blue over it he dreams one night of a beautiful young woman. When he wakes up he is persuaded that this is the girl meant for him. He can't help thinking about her, talking about her, drawing her figure, her face, her eyes on paper. He even gives her a name: Sylviane. Later on, as he is holidaying in Portugal, he notices a charming girl swimming in the pool he is in. No doubt about it : he has found Sylviane. He follows her, talks to her, woos her and they are soon married. However, back in Paris, Michel realizes that Betty, an articulate sports writer, is not the idealized woman his brain had conceived. Things go awry and the couple is about to separate when well-meaning friends intervene and open up Michel's eyes : he must base his love story on everyday reality not on idle dreaming.
To Catch a Spy
The blueprints of an aeroplane built from an ultra-secret metal are stolen from national security. French secret service agent Walder believes that the documents are now in Switzerland, in the hands of a man named Lindbaum. The latter agrees to hand over the blueprints in return for a large sum of money. Another agent, Francis Coplan, is sent to Switzerland to handle the deal, but Lindbaum only has half of the documents because he was double-crossed by Kalpannen, an international crook. With the help of Heidi, a Swiss correspondent, Coplan sets out to identify the members of Kalpannen’s gang, only to find that they have all been murdered…
Miguel Strogoff
Le Grand-Duc
Cuando los tártaros, mandados por Ogareff, asesinan a su mujer e hijo, Miguel, un intrépido oficial del Ejército Imperial Ruso, pierde la alegría de vivir. Cuando el Zar le encarga la peligrosa misión de atravesar la zona de Siberia controlada por Ogareff, para restablecer las comunicaciones con el ejército, Miguel no dudará un instante.
It Happened in Aden
Major Burton
The Aristocrats
Arthus de Maubrun
A novel by Michel De Saint Pierre was the source for Les Aristocrates. Pierre Fresnay stars an aging Marquis, who tries his best to uphold the traditions of nobility in an ever-changing world. The Marquis' children prefer the trappings of modern society and pop culture and regard their father as a relic. This cultural clash nearly results in tragedy when two of the Marquis' offspring substitute recklessness for common sense.
Caroline and the Rebels
Général de Sallanches
Durante la ocupación de España por las tropas napoleónicas, el joven Juan de Aranda (Jean Claude Pascal) se distingue tanto por su valor como por sus conquistas femeninas. Ignorando su verdadera ascendencia francesa, decidirá luchar primero al lado de los guerrilleros de la independencia, para acabar luego a las órdenes del general Gaston de Sallanches (Jacques Dacqmine). En su aventurera vida, varias mujeres le sacarán de situaciones críticas, pero será a la joven Pilar (Brigitte Bardot), que le librará de su cautiverio en la isla de Cabrera, a quién él entregará su corazón.
Un caprice de Caroline chérie
Gaston de Sallanches
Caroline de Bienre, the 16-year-old daughter of French nobility, meets the handsome rogue, Gaston de Sallanches, who is expected to ask for the hand of her older, plainer sister in marriage. Gaston instead joins Caroline in her secret hiding place in the château's attic, where the infatuated Caroline begins an affair with him. Meanwhile, she is being courted by the dull, sincere Livio, but holds him off since she is in love with Gaston. When the revolution of 1789 breaks out Caroline is sent to a convent but her carriage is waylaid. She escapes and makes her way to Gaston's home, where she finds him in the arms of his mistress. She is angry and then agrees to marry Livio, now an out-of-favor revolutionary and a marked man, and Caroline is also now on the death list.
Carolina querida
Gaston de Sallanches
La joven aristócrata que está celebrando su décimo sexto cumpleaños el 14 de julio 1789, Caroline de Bievre, vive dolorosamente la Revolución al mismo tiempo que trata de encontrar a su primer amor: Gastón Sallanches. Tirado a derecha e izquierda, en blanco y en azul, Caroline debe la vida a su físico y su sensualidad.
Julie de Carneilhan
Coco Votard
A penniless aristocrat is fooled by her ex-husband, a crook.
The Secret of Mayerling
L'Archiduc François-Ferdinand
On the morning of January 30, 1889, the Archduke Rodolphe de Habsbourg and his mistress Marie Vetsera were found dead. The remains of Rodolphe are discreetly repatriated to Hofburg, while that of Mary is hastily thrown into the depths of a tomb.
Dark Sunday
Jan Laszlo
Shortly before the War, Jan Lazlo, a Hungarian musician who has emigrated to France, falls for a young woman. Alas, the lady forsakes him and the poor man tries to overcome his grief by writing "Gloomy Sunday", a song so desperate that it can drive its listeners to suicide. Max, a music publisher, likes the song and decides to launch it by all means, foul or fair. Bob, his accomplice, manages to talk his mistress Michèle into committing a fake suicide. She obeys him and the scheme is a success as a result. On this occasion, Jan gets to know Michèle and the two young people fall in love. Happiness seems to be in store for Jan again but this is without counting with Bob. Jealous of Jan, the naughty fellow indeed tells him that Michèle's attempted suicide was nothing but an advertising pretense.
La nuit blanche
Jacques Davenne
A father wants to try by all means to avenge the death of his son, a test pilot, whose responsible is the attractive female star of a Parisian cabaret.
Back Streets of Paris
François, le sympathique camelot
Madame Rose runs a seedy hotel in a suburb of Paris. Strong-minded but without the least moral scruple, she once killed her husband whose honesty was a hindrance to her business. Under a suspended sentence, she now indulges in smuggling. One day, Victor, one of her former accomplices hounded by the police, finds sanctuary with her. During a drinking spree, he has the bad idea to entrust to her a suitcase filled with bank notes, a loot with which Victor hopes to rebuild his life in South America. But Rose, lured by temptation, betrays Victor, who is arrested by the police. However, he manages to escape with only one thing in mind, to take revenge on Rose...
Queen's Necklace
Marc Rétaux de Villette
The adventurer Jeanne de Valois-Saint-Rémy, descendant (by the left hand) of the king of France Henri II, and who claims to be "Countess de la Motte", imagines a tortuous plan to steal a magnificent diamond necklace that the queen Marie-Antoinette refused to buy from the jewelers Boehmer and Bassange.
Her First Affair
A college student (uncredited)
Micheline Chevassu is a young, naive woman living in an orphanage. Through classified ads, she has a date with an unknown man. She escapes from the orphanage to go to it, dreaming of the Prince Charming. But comes Nicolas Rougemont, an unattractive middle-aged man... He pretends not to be the author of the letters, who could not come...