El doctor Dennis Slamon (Harry Conick Jr.) está desarrollando un nuevo fármaco llamado Herceptin, un fármaco revolucionario para el tratamiento en la lucha contra el cáncer de mama pero le cortan la financiación del proyecto. Con el apoyo de sus nuevos socios, Slamon continua el perfeccionamiento del tratamiento, pero el nuevo medicamento parece que no actúa igual con todos los pacientes. (FILMAFFINITY)
El doctor Dennis Slamon (Harry Conick Jr.) está desarrollando un nuevo fármaco llamado Herceptin, un fármaco revolucionario para el tratamiento en la lucha contra el cáncer de mama pero le cortan la financiación del proyecto. Con el apoyo de sus nuevos socios, Slamon continua el perfeccionamiento del tratamiento, pero el nuevo medicamento parece que no actúa igual con todos los pacientes. (FILMAFFINITY)
Una mujer casada (Virginia Madsen) saturada de su vida matrimonial viaja a Hawaii para dar sepultura a a las cenizas de su madre. Allí descubre que era adoptada y en medio de un torbellino de sensaciones inicia una apasionada relación con un atractivo hombre nativo (Jason Momoa), mucho más joven que ella. Es entonces cuando su marido y sus hijos deciden viajar hasta allí para estar a su lado. (FILMAFFINITY)
A famous photographer, Jo Ellen Hathaway, has been being stalked for quite some time. She returns to the island she grew up on in an effort to get away from the stalker and get some well-needed relaxation time. On the island, she meets up with old friends and boyfriends and works on relationships with her family. However, she can't shake the feeling that she's still being watched.
A famous photographer, Jo Ellen Hathaway, has been being stalked for quite some time. She returns to the island she grew up on in an effort to get away from the stalker and get some well-needed relaxation time. On the island, she meets up with old friends and boyfriends and works on relationships with her family. However, she can't shake the feeling that she's still being watched.
A man facing middle-age and a failing marriage finds a time slip that can take him back to the end of the nineteenth century.
Dane Corvin (Chamberlain) returns to Raven Island where 20 years before he and Helen Raven (Allen) had fallen in love. She vowed never to see him again because he had arrested her brother, who he had been investigating. Dane is now determined to win her back and slowly re-enters her daily life. But Helen has a secret, and unless Dane can forgive her and understand the powerful feelings that motivated her to keep it from him, their fragile relationship will not survive.
La vida de Laura, una joven sordomuda de 20 años maltratada por su padre desde que era pequeña, da un giro radical el día en el que escapa de casa y es adoptada por una trabajadora social. Herida y atemorizada, comienza entonces a descubrir un nuevo mundo muy diferente al que había conocido.
Despite allegations of sexual abuse against her ex-husband, Jody (Faith Ford) has lost a custody battle for Samantha (Hanna Hall) and faces a choice of turning her daughter over to him, or taking flight and risking kidnapping charges. Pursued by both the FBI and a private detective, Jody and Samantha become hunted animals, fleeing from town to town with the help of an Underground Railroad set up to help women and children escape from abuse.
A woman fears for her son's health when her ex-husband kidnaps him.
A woman fears for her son's health when her ex-husband kidnaps him.
Just after he turns sixteen, Robert finds out that he is adopted. His parents find to their horror that he was kidnaped from his real parents. They decide to tell him about this, even though they fear they might lose him. Robert runs away to find his real parents. He finds and gets close to them, without revealing his true identity. Eventually he must decided where he belongs.