Sunday in September 1977, a celebration of the Miners Day. The old Hepnar is sitting at the cemetery and is recalling events from ten years ago. That time the representative of the ministry Barvír announced at the miners meeting that mining in the mines would decrease. He reasoned this decision by the fact the deposits of coal are almost used up. The boss of the mine and most of the miners protested. Barvír did not take their critical objections into account. He announced at the communist district meeting the closure of the business as the mine according to new economic principles did not prosper.
The director of films for kids called Bonzurka together with her loyal assistants Drahuska and Honza are looking for the actors for a new movie "The Knee". Children for this movie should not be afraid and shy and they must have talent for acting. Thus the scouting is quite difficult. The most difficult is to find an actress for a main character who lost her hair after a serious illness and now has to spent the whole holiday in the countryside with a bald head resembling a knee. Although the makeup artist does his best an artificial baldness does not solve anything. From the selected little girls only the self-assertive Rosemary has the guts to let her long hair to be cut and shave off her head.
Sátira política y social checoslovaca surrealista que utiliza como trasfondo el viaje de Lemuel Gulliver a los países de Balnibari y Laputa, con una atmósfera que es en parte Kafka y en parte Carroll.
Lemuel Gulliver (Lubomír Kostelka) ha tenido un accidente automovilístico y continúa su viaje a pie por el campo desconocido. En el camino encuentra un conejo muerto vestido de hombre y saca un reloj del bolsillo del pecho de su chaleco. La casa medio en ruinas en la que entra le recuerda a Lemuel su infancia y le trae un recuerdo doloroso de una niña muy querida, Markéta, que se ahogó hace años. Gulliver se encuentra en Balnibarbi, un país donde no entiende las leyes y los hábitos y por lo tanto continuamente ofende la decencia pública. Es un día en el que se ordena a las personas que mantengan la boca cerrada y obligan a su visitante a hacer lo mismo. Se enfrenta a un duro interrogatorio y le resulta difícil explicar que él no es el conejo Oscar cuyo reloj se ha encontrado en su poder.
The movie describes proletarian life in the Czech Lands after World War I.