Eva Prieto


Fifteen Love
Assistant Art Director
Alexandra ha jugado a tenis desde que tiene memoria. Tras años entrenando bajo la tutela de su padre Julio, un tenista retirado que pretende revivir sus victorias a través de ella, se ha convertido en una de las tenistas junior más prometedoras del circuito español. Durante la celebración de uno de los torneos más importantes de la temporada de 1978, la presión creciente que ejercerá su padre dentro y fuera de la pista empezará a afectar su salud mental. Con la llegada de la adolescencia y los interrogantes que esta conlleva, Alex se dará cuenta de que, quizás, este no es su destino.
That Night of November
Associate Producer
Roberto and Miguel have been dating for ten years. A decade of that common life will return to their memories during four days of November. A seemingly strong relationship will start to crumble with each new memory. This increasingly significant life backgroung will show, little by little, the true nature of their shared life. Meanwhile, more than 2000 kilometres apart, in The Two Berlins, a greater relationship is about to change too. In the deep of a relationship lie hidden feelings forged by a common past. Secrets and resentments that the rest of the world can not see, separated by a wall that seems unbeatable. The wall separating Roberto and Miguel was not the only wall that fell down that cold November night.