The story follows Sultan, a boxer and trainer who works with his friend Saeed in a sports center. They find themselves in trouble when they stumble upon a printing press for counterfeit money.
Ali, a self-made middle-class businessman, finds himself torn between two loves: The woman he's about to marry and his old flame who barges back into his life. What will his heart dictate?
The story follows Hassan who suffers from a psychological condition, while he has a very strong relationship with his sick mother, who is the center of his life, as he takes care of her.
A suspense thriller that revolves around a pregnant woman who carries a lot of mysteries about her pregnancy, and her relationships with the people around her.
Sief is a conman who is hired by the beautiful rich woman, Hala, to help her get her money back from another conman. Their relationship gets them entangled in a web of deceit as they start questioning their stances regarding love, friendship, and the meaning of life.
En una noche sangrienta en un lugar donde se supone que debemos sentirnos seguros, un joven y su amado luchan por no llegar al hospital, sino por huir de él. Están tratando de sobrevivir a la noche.
This suspense-thriller looks into the hidden world of online hacking through several methods, such as social media, different forums, and so on. Yusuf, a brilliant engineering student, is behind a lot of the operations that are being talked about.