Sound Mixer
Un grupo de jóvenes en plena época de drogas, en la que tomar ácido es la moda, comienza a experimentar. Pronto acabarán siendo esclavos de su propia locura, llegando a "estar presentes en abducciones alienígenas", olas de suicidios colectivos, actos de bisexualidad...
Sound Mixer
In 1934, J. Edgar Hoover and the boys made headlines for mowing down John Dillinger in a hail of bullets outside Chicago's Biograph theater. But in fact, according to this Jon Purdy gangster thriller, the Feds iced Dillinger's brother. Fast-forward five years, when mobster kingpin Al Capone (F. Murray Abraham) gives the real Dillinger (Martin Sheen) an offer he can't refuse: rob millions from a secluded vault or watch his wife and child get whacked.
Sound Mixer
The magical Munchie is back, and if he gets in any more trouble it's off to the dullest constellation in the galaxy. Staying out of trouble has never been easy for Munchie, but this time he gives it his best shot. He is sent to earth and finds himself in the company of the McClelland family. As he proves himself, he becomes mixed up in the family's many problems. Munchie does his best to fulfill his duty on Earth, but not without getting involved in a little mischief. Written by Concorde - New Horizons.
Sound Mixer
Jim Stanton lucha por recuperar su memoria, sin saber en quién confiar, ni siquiera sabiendo de qué lado está luchando.
Sound Mixer
Cage es un niño de diez años que no tiene amigos, no le gusta el colegio, y su madre divorciada está enamorada de un abogado de poca monta. Un día conoce a Munchie, una misteriosa criatura extraterrestre que se dedica a repartir pizzas por toda la galaxia. Con su ayuda, Cage descubrirá la aventura, la magia y muchas cosas más.