A female high school student discovers she has supernatural powers during an attack. Her first use of her power is to vaporize her attacker. Years later, her powers manifest themselves whenever she is sexually aroused by her husband. She is transported to another dimension where she engages in nude battles with opponents. The role of Kageyama is played by Thunder Sugiyama, former IWA World Heavyweight Champion.
Hong Kong recibe la misión, de parte de un agente secreto muy parecido a James Bond, de recuperar la corona de la Reina británica. Le acompañará en su misión la bella agente 701. Pero lo que King Kong no sabe es que todo es una trampa, y arrastra a sus dos amigos, Albert "Kodijak" Au y la superintendente Nancy Ho, quienes ahora tienen un hijo, a una enrevesada aventura
Ryoko Watanabe is a bored housewife named Ami who throws herself into the “Madame Machiko Society Club” to spice up her marriage by making love to random men. This world of lust turns out to be kinkier than Ami thought it would be and may end up having a reverse effect on her precious marriage.
Jillucia, un pacifico planeta a dos milones de años luz del sistema solar, ha sido convertido en inexpurgale fortaleza por terribles invasores, los Gavanas. Kaiba, el rey de Jillucia, apela a los dioses mediante las 8 nueces de Niobe, que elegiran a 8 guerreros que salvarán a su pueblo.
Kiku Nakakawa, the only daughter of an old kimono shop owner in Kyoto, is enthusiastic about karate. To help her friend Michi avenge her brother, she sneaks into a movie studio in Kyoto where a drug dealing syndicate is based.